
                   Author: Alex Eagleson                                    
                   Began: May 20th, 2005                                    
                   Completed: June 5th, 2005                                
                   Email: StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com     
   Full Walkthrough....................................................(00000)
     i - Balamb Garden.................................................(00001)
     ii - Fire Cavern..................................................(00002)
     iii - Balamb Garden...............................................(00003)
     iv - Dollet.......................................................(00004)
     v - Balamb Garden.................................................(00005)
     vi - Balamb.......................................................(00006)
     vii - Laguna......................................................(00007)
     viii - Timber.....................................................(00008)
     ix - Laguna.......................................................(00009)
     x - Galbadia Garden...............................................(0000A)
     xi - Deling City..................................................(0000B)
     xii - Tomb of the Unknown King....................................(0000C)
     xiii - Deling City................................................(0000D)
     xiv - Winhill.....................................................(0000E)
     xv - D-District Prison............................................(0000F)
     xvi - Missile Base................................................(0000G)
     xvii - Balamb Garden..............................................(0000H)
     xviii - Fishermans Horizon........................................(0000I)
     xix - Balamb Garden...............................................(0000J)
     xx - Balamb.......................................................(0000K)
     xxi - Trabia Garden...............................................(0000L)
     xxii - Balamb Garden..............................................(0000M)
     xxiii - Galbadia Garden...........................................(0000N)
     xxiv - Orphanage..................................................(0000O)
     xxv - Trabia Canyon...............................................(0000P)
     xxvi - White SeeD Ship............................................(0000Q)
     xxvii - Great Salt Lake...........................................(0000R)
     xxviii - Esthar...................................................(0000S)
     xxix - Lunar Base.................................................(0000T)
     xxx - Ragnarok....................................................(0000U)
     xxxi - Preparations...............................................(0000V)
     xxxii - Lunatic Pandora...........................................(0000W)
     xxxiii - Time Compression.........................................(0000X)
     xxxiv - Final Dungeon.............................................(0000Y)

|                              Full Walkthrough                      (00000) |
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Balamb Garden                     |
         (00001)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  When you wake up you'll be prompted to enter 
|                              |  your name, Squall is the default name of 
| Geezard Card..........._____ |  your main character.  The game opens with a 
| Funguar Card..........._____ |  scene as you walk down the hallway.  After 
| Red Bat Card..........._____ |  everything is said and done you have control 
| Gayla Card............._____ |  of Squall in the main classroom.  Don't 
| Gesper Card............_____ |  actually get up from your desk, instead sit 
| Fastitocalon-F Card...._____ |  back down and examine your terminal.  Log in 
| Caterchipillar Card...._____ |  and select the tutorial, it seems there are 
| Occult Fan I..........._____ |  two GFs registered for Squall, GF Quezacotl 
|                              |  and GF Shiva.  You now have the ability to 
o------------------------------o  summon these in battle if you junction them.  
                                  Run up to the front of the room and speak 
with Quistis.  Leave the room and you'll bump into a girl.  When she asks for 
a tour of the garden you can agree if you really want, but you don't get 
anything for it, and it's a lot more fun to just go around and explore on your 
own without constant dialogue.  Continue right down the hall and speak to the 
man on the way there, he'll give you seven cards.  You can learn for about the 
card game in the Triple Triad section.  Ride the elevator down and descend the 
stairs, that odd looking blue and yellow sphere is a save point and you can 
use it to save your game.  Now head right to the next screen, turn right again 
at the first path you come to, this is the library.  Examine the bookshelf 
above you, near the edge to find 'Occult Fan I.'  There's also a draw point in 
here at the top if you're interested, draw points in this game allow you to 
store magic which you can use and junction.  When you're ready to leave, 
return to the main area where you came down the elevator and head down.  On 
your way out you'll find a craw point for Cure on the left.  On the world map 
you'll find the Fire Cavern located directly East of the Garden, however you 
may want to do some leveling first and get some new GF abilities.  Make sure 
to junction both Squall and Quistis each with one of the GFs and head for the 
nearby shore.  On the shore you will fight the Fastitocalon enemy which is 
easily the best source of AP at this point in the game and for awhile to come.  
Summon the Quakazotl GF over and over as they are weak to the damage, you can 
level up quite well here doing that.  When you enter the first battle on the 
grassy area, you'll be given a quick tutorial on the Gunblade.  When Squall 
attacks if you press the R1 button just as he strikes you will always get a 
critical hit, this is painfully easy to do and with a little practice your 
success rate will easily approach 100%.  Whenever you're ready, make your way 
to the Fire Cavern and go inside to begin your preliminary test.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                    Fire Cavern                      |
         (00002)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Speak to the men in front of the cavern, now 
|                              |  you'll have to choose the time limit at 
| None...................... / |  which you think you can perform best.  Ten 
|                              |  minutes will give you more than enough time, 
o------------------------------o  even then you'll probably be waiting around.  
                                  The path in the cavern is actually quite 
linear, it's just a straight line to the boss.  Along the way after a couple 
of screens be sure to head down the path on the right to find a Fire draw 
point.  Continue up a couple more screens until you reach the boss.  

| Ifrit                   | Level: 6         | Hit Points: 1068/1068         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Absorb  |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......Weak    | Fire GF; uses fire magic.     |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | It's a strong opponent, but   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | as it is part of Garden's     |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....N/A     | exam, not impossible to       |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     | defeat.                       |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Ifrit is the Fire Guardian Force so obivously you're not going to want to  |
| be casting a lot of fire magic on this boss, lest you want to keep         |
| healing him over and over again.  The opposite element to fire is ice      |
| so in this battle, ice magic is going to be the key to victory.  What you  |
| should be using are spells like Blizzard and summoning Shiva as much as    |
| possible.  Note that Ifrit has Cure magic on him so whenever you need to   |
| heal simply use the draw command and then cast Cure on either of your      |
| party members.  Ifrit has a couple of basic attacks.  First of all he      |
| will cast the Fire spell on your party quite often which only deals around |
| 50 damage so you should be able to survive against this easily.  After the |
| boss has taken a certain amount of damage he will change his tactic and    |
| begin using a new type of attack.  The jumping body check will hit one of  |
| your party members for about 150 damage which can be dangerous if you're   |
| hit more than once so if this occurs be sure to heal up quickly after.     |
| Now here's something to keep in mind, the time limit you have does not     |
| include leaving the cave, meaning that you shouldn't be worried about      |
| leaving time for you to escape after the battle is over.  In fact your     |
| upcoming SeeD rank is actually influenced more positively the LESS time    |
| you have on the clock when you defeat Ifrit, meaning ideally you should    |
| get his health down as low as possible and then strike the final blow      |
| when the timer is at about ten seconds or so.  It won't make a huge        |
| difference, and once you receive your rank it's only the basic level,      |
| to can upgrade it anyway, but it's nice to start off high.                 |
|                                                                            |

It's time now to leave the Fire Cavern and return to Balamb Garden.  If you 
haven't already by now it would be a good idea to head to the shoreline and 
fight enemies until Shiva learns the I Mag-RF ability.  Using this you can 
take all the many Fish Fin items you will inevitably pick up from those 
battles and convert each of them into 20 Water magic, doing this will allow 
you to easily obtain 100 Water magic for both Squall and Quistis and when you 
junction all those spells to something like your strength, it really gives it 
an enormous boost.  After this your next destination is Balamb Garden again.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Balamb Garden                     |
         (00003)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Your primary goal when you arrive here is to 
|                              |  get dressed and meet up in the front hall.  
| None...................... / |  Your room is located at the other end of the 
|                              |  garden, meaning you have to run around 
o------------------------------o  either to the left or right and when you 
                                  reach the path leading directly up take that 
one.  Squall's room is the room on the room on the right.  Examine his little 
dresser and opt to get changed.  Once you leave your room you'll automatically 
find yourself in the front hall.  After the scene when you try to leave you'll 
automatically get into the car.  While on the world map simply drive forward 
in the car using the square button.  Your destination is the town of Balamb 
which you can't miss if you simply follow the road straight.  Once you're out 
of the car follow the into the ship and shove off.  After speaking with 
everyone get up from your seat and check out what's going on outside.  
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Dollet                        |
         (00004)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Let's first take a minute to note something, 
|                              |  this is a test and as such you are being 
| None...................... / |  graded on your conduct.  While it's not 
|                              |  possible to actually change the outcome of 
o------------------------------o  passing or failing, it is possible to 
                                  influence your starting rank.  First of all 
don't actually talk to anybody while you're here unless you cannot proceed 
without doing so, that's the first thing to note.  The rest will follow when 
necessary during this section of the guide.  Climb the stairs at the start and 
use the save point at the top.  There are a few scripted battles here as you 
head up, just normal soldiers that are extremely easy to defeat, especially if 
you junctioned 100 Water spells to your strength.  Once you reach the town 
square and Seifer tells you to go and scout for enemies head up the path to 
the upper right and you'll find a soldier hiding behind a car.  Speak to 
Seifer after this and then just stand around waiting.  Approach Seifer when 
the camera angle changes and then follow him to the next screen and across the 
bridge.  As you climb the stairs you'll encounter a miniboss battle against 
the Anacondaur.  It's pretty much just a normal enemy with more HP, so don't 
worry about it.  Continue up until another scene triggers.  After the scene do 
not approach the cliff, instead go around to the right and down to the bottom 
via the safe path, it'll earn you more points in the end.  Enter the 
communications tower and use the draw point for Blind on the left side.  Be 
sure to save your game and junction everyone before you ride the elevator.

| Biggs                   | Level: 8         | Hit Points: 640/640           |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A Galbadian Major.            |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Activated the Dollet          |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Communication Tower.          |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | Very short-tempered.          |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Wedge                   | Level: 8         | Hit Points: 579/579           |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A Galbadian soldier assigned  |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | to Dollet communication       |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | tower.  Always picked on by   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | his superior, major Biggs.    |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The battle begins with just your party against Biggs.  He looks like a     |
| normal Elite Soldier but he boasts quite a bit more power and hit points.  |
| Biggs carries the Esuna spell which junctions quite well at this point     |
| in the game and junctions extremely well later in the game when you have   |
| access to junctioning magic to your status defense.  Hit Biggs with your   |
| most powerful attacks, it doesn't take much, once again having the Water   |
| spell junctioned to your strength is quite helpful.  Biggs' attacks are    |
| very similar to the Elite Soldiers', he'll raises his are and clothes-     |
| line one of your characters for moderate damage.  After he has taken about |
| 300 damage Wedge will join the battle.  At this point your should just     |
| focus on finishing off Biggs.  Wedge too, like a normal soldiers has most  |
| of the basic attacks.  These two are more like a miniboss than anything    |
| else.  You actually shouldn't even have to attack Wedge at all, once       |
| Biggs' HP has been depleted, something occurs and the real battle begins.  |
|                                                                            |

| Elvoret                 | Level: 10        | Hit Points: 3300/3300         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A monster that lives in the   |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | abandoned Dollet              |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | communication tower.  No one  |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Immune  | knows where it came from.     |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The absolute first thing you should do without exception is use the draw   |
| command on this boss, you will notice that one magic spell isn't in ????   |
| form even though you have never drawn it before, this is Siren of course.  |
| Use the draw command to extract Siren from the boss, it turns out that     |
| Siren is a Guardian Force and drawing it like this will allow you to       |
| acquire the GF immediately when the battle ends.  Elvoret has quite a      |
| lot of hit points and good strength to back it up, certainly the first     |
| boss fight in the game that provides any challenge at all.  Elvoret will   |
| use a normal claw attack that deals roughly 100-150 damage to a single     |
| character.  It is good to note that you can draw the Cure spell from       |
| Elvoret, so if anyone is hurt simply draw-cast the Cure spell directly     |
| from Elvoret to make things easier.  Have your party attack and use        |
| limit breaks if they get the,  In order to use a limit break you need to   |
| have the character to the point where their health appears in yellow       |
| (not a "requirement" per se, but rarely occurs otherwise.)  When their     |
| HP is in yellow there's a random chance that increases the lower their     |
| current HP gets that you'll hear a noise and see a flashing arrow beside   |
| the attack command.  In this circumstance hold right and use the limit     |
| break.  Just so you know, Squall's Renzokuken executed perfectly with      |
| Water junction on strength can deal more than 1500 damage.  Back to the    |
| actual battle again, by far Elvoret's most dangerous attack is the         |
| kind of tornado breath he uses that deals almost 180 damage to every       |
| member of your party.  To restore after this has occurred have them all    |
| draw-cast Cure of if Selphie has a limit, Do Over until you find the       |
| Full-Cure.  This is about all that Elvoret can do besides another Thunder  |
| attack so use normal attacks to the best of your ability and don't be      |
| afraid to summon your GFs, especially if you're learn the Boost ability.   |
|                                                                            |

After the battle and when everyone's done talking you've got 30 minutes to get 
out of here, which is once again more time than you're going to need, and 
there's going to be a bit more incentive than just the time limit to start 
running your ass off... there's a giant robot chasing your party!

| X-ATM092                | Level: 10        | Hit Points: 5770/5770         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Galbadia's mobile attack      |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Weak    | weapon. AKA "Black Widow."    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Doesn't stop until it kills   |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....N/A     | all enemies in its path,      |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The giant sub-optional mechanical spider boss is one heck of a monster to  |
| be fighting.  First of all let's look at the boss' various attacks, as it  |
| has quite a few of them.  There are two normal attacks, one where the boss |
| grabs you and deal damage, the other where it kind of fires a projectile   |
| from its leg.  These only hit one person and don't amount to much at all.  |
| The next more dangerous one does about the same damage, but to your        |
| entire party, the boss knocks you backward, but still no big deal.  The    |
| most dangerous attack you need to watch out for is the Ray-Bomb where the  |
| boss fires a beam that will send you into the air and deal about 100       |
| damage to everyone, somewhat painful but still barely half as bad as       |
| Elvoret's most powerful attack.  This boss' strengths don't lie in its     |
| attacks but rather in its whoppingly huge hit point total, luckily you     |
| aren't actually supposed to kill this boss.  Once you've done about 1500   |
| damage the boss will fall to the ground and begin to repair itself.  At    |
| this point it becomes possible (and pretty much required) to hold L2+R2    |
| to escape from the battle.  In order to deal that required 1500 damage     |
| easily all you need to do is summon Quezacotl once or twice and the boss   |
| will go down.  Now here's an interesting fun fact, it IS possible (albeit  |
| very difficult) to kill this boss.  Note that speed is a requirement       |
| since it will eventually repair itself, you must destroy the boss before   |
| this happens and there's only one way to do this.  You'll need a character |
| with Quezacotl junction and 100 Water junctioned to their magic stat.      |
| Quezacotl needs to know Boost, for sure, as well as SumMag+10%, SumMag+20% |
| and hopefully even SumMag+30%.  You will also want the highest possible    |
| compatibility you're willing to work for so the person can do the          |
| summoning quickly since like I said, speed is important.  Your reward for  |
| defeating the boss is a whopping 50 AP for all your guardian forces, that  |
| reward is quite decent for the work it takes to actually prepare to        |
| beat the thing.  Either way it still doesn't stop it from chasing you,     |
| which is actually kind of nice because it makes it possible to defeat the  |
| boss multiple times (I'm not 100% on that point however.)                  |
|                                                                            |

Once the battle is over start running right and the thing will chase you 
again.  On the next screen after where Selphie jumped over the cliff try to 
run along the upper part of this path so when the robot spider jumps it'll 
jump right over you.  Further on, run down through the next screen, then on 
the one after than when you reach the bottom of the stairs hold the triangle 
button to start walking rather than running, this will allow you to remain 
upright when the boss jumps down from above and then keep running down to 
avoid the fight.  Lastly you'll find yourself on the bridge.  When the boss 
jumps over you, you can try to run in the other direction and try to pickle 
your way across, however I'm not even sure if it's possible to avoid this 
fight at all.  Regardless of whether you fight or not, when you get to the 
right side of the bridge you'll be back in the central square once again.  
Speak with the dog quickly as you run down to get it out of the way for bonus 
points.  As you keep running down there will be an opportunity to enter the 
bar and avoid the spider, do NOT take this opportunity or you will lose 
massive points.  Other than that it's just a linear path back to the beach 
where you get to see a big cutscene and escape from Dollet beach.  Back in 
Balamb once again there's not much to do besides return to Balamb Garden.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Balamb Garden                     |
         (00005)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Enter the garden and split up from the rest 
|                              |  of your party.  Meet with Headmaster Cid, 
| Battle Meter..........._____ |  Quistis and Xu in the front hall then go 
| Weapons Mon Apr........_____ |  right to meet up with Seifer.  From here 
| MiniMog Card..........._____ |  return to the front hall and ride the 
| Quistis Card..........._____ |  elevator up.  Walk left toward the hall 
| Magical Lamp..........._____ |  where everyone is waiting and just stand 
|                              |  there for awhile, eventually someone will 
o------------------------------o  walk in with an announcement, you'll 
                                  probably have to speak with Zell once first 
to make them actually show up.  After the event speak with Headmaster Cid and 
he'll give you a 'Battle Meter.'  Return to the second floor and go left for 
yet another scene with Seifer.  Following this you are given your SeeD rank 
and sent back to your room.  Enter your room and change into the SeeD uniform, 
then save your game and leave.  When Selphie asks you to join the Garden 
Festival Committee you might as well, you don't really have to do any work for 
it.  Once the whole dance thing is over and you're back in your room again, 
change into your normal clothes and head for the Training Center which is down 
and two paths right of the dormitory.  Head up into the Training Center and 
make a right when you come to a fork.  What Quistis said before coming in here 
was actually quite important, you're probably going to encounter an enemy in 
here called a T-Rexaur which is a super powerful enemy.  While it's normal to 
just run away every time, here's how to beat it.  First get into a fight with 
the more common enemy in this area, you can Draw Sleep magic from this enemy.  
Draw 100 Sleeps and then junction the Siren GF which should allow you to use 
ST-Atk-J.  Put Siren on Squall and put the 100 Sleeps on ST-Atk-J.  Now 
junction Quistis with the Shiva GF.  The T-Rexaur has a rather large weakness 
to ice, not only that the casting of a Guardian Force will not wake an enemy 
up.  So the idea is this, have Squall attack which should put the T-Rexaur to 
sleep 90% of the time, also have Quistis casting Shiva on each one of her 
turns.  Doing this should practically eliminate the enemy's ability to get any 
turns at all and by the end, hopefully you can win the battle.  Back to the 
actual game, continue up the path to a draw point which contains Blizzard.  
Continue left and save your game before going up to the supposed secret area.  
After the scene save your game once again.  This time return to the entrance 
via the left path.  When you arrive you'll find a rather unfortunate scene.

| Granaldo                | Level: 11        | Hit Points: 1538/1538         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A large insect-type monster   |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | that is a survivor of some    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | ancient race.  Uses its       |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Immune  | large spikes and tail to      |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     | attack.                       |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Raldo                   | Level:  11       | Hit Points: 287/287           |
| Hit Points....Moderate  | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | May look slow due to its      |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | stone-like body, but it is    |
| Dexterity.....Moderate  | Water....N/A     | actually quite fast.  May     |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....N/A     | appear in numbers.            |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| You fight this boss along with three of its little helpers, first and      |
| foremost you should only ever aim for the actual boss, the helpers will    |
| get in the way but bother to destroy them will really only end up wasting  |
| your time in the long run.  The boss only really has one single attack,    |
| it kicks the little Raldo things at your party for about 30 damage.        |
| Sometimes when it gets angry it will lift the things off the ground and    |
| drop them on a single member of your party for about 50 damage.  You may   |
| notice this does not fit the example of a what bosses in a game normally   |
| do, and this is of course "get progressively harder."  Instead this boss   |
| opts to actually be easier than the previous bosses you faced, so all you  |
| really need to do is attack or start summoning some Guardian Forces in     |
| here.  To add more insult to injury in the boss' case he is very           |
| susceptible to Sleep attacks meaning if you've got Sleep junctioned on     |
| your weapon or if you just simply cast a sleep spell then you can          |
| pretty much keep the boss dozing for the entire battle which is kind of    |
| nice.  The Raldo enemies don't actually attack on their own so while the   |
| main boss is asleep you can do pretty much anything you want without       |
| fear of being attacked.  Note that one single Renzokuken can kill this     |
| boss in a single turn.  Once the boss is dead then the Raldo enemies will  |
| start attacking, they're actually far harder than the boss since their     |
| normal attack does as much as Grenaldo's stronger attack and since there   |
| are three of them, they attack three times per turn.  Ouch.  It still      |
| only takes a single summoning of Quezacotl to take them out though.        |
|                                                                            |

Exit the Training Center and return to your dorm room.  In the morning when 
you wake up, examine the table in the corner of your room to get 'Weapons Mon 
Apr.'  Save your game and then head for the front gate of the Garden.  Now if 
you're interested in the card game (which you should be since it can yield 
some of the best items in the game) then use the save point at the bottom of 
the stairs.  Every 30 seconds or so a little boy in a blue shirt will run by 
going from left to right, run up to the kid and challenge him to a card game.  
Eventually he will play the 'MiniMog Card' which is extremely rare.  Now let's 
head up the elevator to Quistis' classroom.  You'll find a number of girls 
there called Trepe Groupie, it doesn't matter which one you play, all of them 
have the ability to use the 'Quistis Card,' one of the best cards in the game, 
but once you've won it from one of them you can't win it from any of the 
others.  Now that you've got these it's time to leave the grounds and head for 
the exit.  Along the way a scene triggers.  After all is said and done speak 
with Headmaster Cid again and he'll give you the 'Magical Lamp.'  Leave the 
Garden and head for the world map.  Now save your game and prepare to fight an 
optional boss if you wish to do so.  That Magical Lamp Cid gave you can be 
used on the world map to summon a new Guardian Force however you must first 
fight the GF before it will join your team, so once again, save your game.

| Diablos                 | Level: 9         | Hit Points: 8000/8000         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A mysterious GF living in     |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | another dimension.  Uses a    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | powerful gravity attack       |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Immune  | called Gravija.               |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Diablos is an extremely difficult boss if you don't know what you're       |
| doing.  You have to understand how powerful gravity magic can be, and if   |
| you don't then Diablos is going to show you whether you like it or not.    |
| Diablos has three main attacks that it uses.  A normal physical attack     |
| that deals just over 200 damage, this is his most dangerous attack by      |
| far and you're going to be very relieved to know that he rarely uses it    |
| for reasons explained soon.  His second attack is the Demi spell which     |
| is a basic gravity spell that shouldn't do much damage to your party at    |
| all.  The most powerful spell Diablos has is of course the Gravija which   |
| takes approximately 75% of the HP off of everyone, but again, like Demi    |
| this is a gravity based attack meaning that even if you only have one      |
| hit point, it cannot kill you.  That's what makes the normal attacks so    |
| dangerous, it's the only attack he has that can actually kill you, the     |
| rest are just for severely weakening you.  The two most important          |
| characters in this battle are Squall and Selphie, it really doesn't matter |
| what you do with Zell.  Squall should have 100 Water magic junctioned to   |
| his weapon, and if you still don't have that yet you can simply run down   |
| to the shore right now and fight a couple battles to get five Fish Fin     |
| items and refine them.  With this, his Renzokuken limit break will be      |
| extremely powerful.  Couple this with that fact that gravity magic can     |
| only weaken you, not kill you, and there should be quite a few             |
| opportunities to use your limit break.  Basically the tactic is, while     |
| Diablos is casting his magic you should draw and cast Demi on him which    |
| will deal over 1000 damage at the start but get gradually weaker.  Also    |
| note that using draw on Diablos fails quite often.  Next, when he has used |
| Gravija and your characters' HP is in the yellow, cycle through until      |
| Squall's limit comes up and then use that on the boss.  During this time   |
| (while Rough Divide is going is best) you should have Selphie's limit.     |
| Keep using Do Over until you find the Full-Cure spell in there, it isn't   |
| too rare.  This will fully restore your party to max and you can start the |
| cycle all over again.  Doing this should give you the edge you need.       |
|                                                                            |

Give your new Guardian Force a name.  You should have also received his card 
from that battle which is nice.  Now it's time to enter the town of Balamb.  
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Balamb                        |
         (00006)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head down the path in the town of Balamb and 
|                              |  near the bottom make a right, not toward the 
| Zell Card.............._____ |  inn and docks but into the door of the 
| Pat Pals Vol.1........._____ |  house, this is Zell's house.  The main 
|                              |  reason to come here is to challenge Zell's 
o------------------------------o  mother to a game of cards, she carries the 
                                  'Zell Card,' yet another super awesome 
character card.  Once you have won the card from his mother leave the house 
and check out the junk shop on the left above the save point.  Note that the 
inventory of junk shops is solely dependant on which weapons monthly magazines 
you have, so the junk shop inventory listed here in the guide could be 
different from the one you see if you happened to miss any of those magazines.  
Right now you should have both the March and April editions.  Take the lower 

o-- Junk Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Revolver........100 Gil  (Squall)   M-Stone Piece....6  Screw............2 |
| Shear Trigger...200 Gil  (Squall)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Metal Knuckle...100 Gil  (Zell)     Fish Fin.........1  M-Stone Piece....4 |
| Maverick........200 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Fin.......1  Spider Web.......1 |
| Chain Whip......100 Gil  (Quistis)  M-Stone Piece....2  Spider Web.......1 |
| Flail...........100 Gil  (Selphie)  M-Stone Piece....2  Bomb Fragment....1 |
|                                                                            |

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

right path down and enter the inn.  Upstairs in the bedroom on the table 
there's an old issue of Tiber Maniacs you can read that doesn't really do 
anything.  Head back left past the junk shop toward the station.  There's an 
item shop at the bottom of the stairs, just make sure not to spend any more 
than 3000 Gil, that's how much you'll need to board the train.  Enter the 
station and get on the train to Timber.  When you're on the train, use the 
save point and then head up the hallway.  Follow Zell into the room, he'll 
give you the magazine 'Pet Pals Vol.1' when you speak to him and then...
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Laguna                        |
         (00007)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Here you will find yourself in control of 
|                              |  Laguna, Kiros and Ward.  They don't need to 
| None...................... / |  be equipped or anything, Squall, Zell and 
|                              |  Selphie's junctions have already been 
o------------------------------o  transferred.  Simply run up and follow the 
                                  path.  Use the draw point along the way 
containing the Cure spell.  The path is totally linear to the end so just keep 
running and running, don't worry, there's nothing to find or anything like 
that.  When you arrive at the town follow the road down to the lower right.  
Enter the building marked as the Galbadia Hotel.  You can save your game here 
and then continue down the stairs on the right.  Speak to the person in blue 
standing at the front and choose to sit at your table.  When you have control 
of Laguna again, approach the piano to continue the scene.  Next when it's all 
over go upstairs and speak with the person at the reception desk.  After this 
it's just a matter of speaking to Julia whenever you can move again until the 
scene ends and everything is back to normal on the train once again.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Timber                        |
         (00008)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Remember when you arrive, the correct 
|                              |  password is "But the Owls are still 
| Angelo Card............_____ |  around."  Head down the stairs and go down 
| Pet Pals Vol.2........._____ |  from there.  Follow the guy in the yellow 
| Girl Next Door........._____ |  vest onto the train.  After he's done 
| 500 Gil................_____ |  talking there's another rare card you can 
| Buel Card.............._____ |  get, from Watts.  There's a trick you should 
| Tonberry Card.........._____ |  learn however.  After playing cards in one 
| Potion................._____ |  region and moving to another, another region 
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  might have different rules.  The people of 
| Soft..................._____ |  these regions will agree to play a game of 
| Antidote..............._____ |  cards with both region's rules combined then 
| Remedy................._____ |  after the game, a rule from where you played 
|                              |  previously will be spread across this 
o------------------------------o  region.  The basic rule of the card game 
                                  is that the more rules there are, the harder 
the game.  You don't WANT to pass new rules around, so here's how to avoid it.  
When you ask Watts to play cards he'll ask if you want to play with both 
region's rules, select no and speak to him again, he'll ask you again.  Keep 
doing this over and over and eventually he'll just ask "Do you want to play 
cards?"  Agree to this and now you won't spread any new rules around (the same 
rules of this region still apply though.)  Every single person in the game who 
plays cards will eventually stop asking if you keep refusing like this, always 
remember that.  Most of the time on the very first game, Watts will play the 
'Angelo Card.'  Be sure to pick it up.  After the card game climb the stairs 
above you and save your game using the save point on the left.  Continue up to 
the next screen and go into the room.  After speaking with the girl return to 
where your party was and follow them into the meeting room.  When the meeting 
is over return to Rinoa's room once again, there you will find 'Pet Pals 
Vol.2' sitting on the couch.  Save your game and then speak to Watts.

You start out on top of the train.  Run left and follow Rinoa across.  Once 
you jump to the next train that marks the start of the five minute timer.  
Keep running left over top of the soldiers below.  Soon enough it will be time 
to drop down and enter the codes.  Press down on the D-pad to drop down and 
Rinoa will feed you the code, keep an eye on the number pattern thing so you 
know which buttons to press, you can also press L1 to look to your left.  If 
you're quick you can input all three of the codes before you are caught, even 
though Zell will warn you about the blue guard on the second code, you can 
still get all three.  I would still recommend going up after the second one if 
you aren't sure however.  Once you've entered the code watch the scene, then 
get ready to do it again.  On this next one enter the first two codes then go 
up until the two guards have passed by.  Drop down after that and you'll have 
more than enough time to enter the next three codes.  Another scene follows 
and if you managed to do this without screwing up, your SeeD rank will 
increase by one.  Head up and save your game before speaking to Rinoa, tell 
her you're ready to begin (be sure you've junctioned everyone accordingly, 
keep in mind Zell and Selphie will be completely empty even if they had stuff 
before.)  Enter the president's train car and prepare yourself.  

| Fake President          | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 778/778           |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | President Deling's double     |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | Attacks in a strange way,     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | but not very strong.          |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | However...                    |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Defeating the Fake President should not be too hard, his HP total is       |
| pretty pathetic and his attacks are nothing special.  He'll use some kind  |
| of vampire bite attack that deals less than a hundred damage to a single   |
| character and really doesn't use anything else.  Anyone with a decent      |
| amount of magic junctioned to their strength should be able to take        |
| this boss out in a mere few turns.  But of course, when he dies...         |
|                                                                            |

| Gerogero                | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 3650/3650         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Weak    |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A monster that posed as       |
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..N/A     | President Deling.  Attacks    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | with its deformed arms        |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Weak    | and status attacks.           |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Moderate  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Technically this is still part of the previous fight but its an entirely   |
| new boss.  The Fake President falls to the floor when defeated, only       |
| to spring up and transform into this disgusting beast.  Gerogero can       |
| use some very nasty status attacks.  First, Gerogero will use kind of      |
| a vomit spew to inflict darkness on one of your characters.  When someone  |
| is under the darkness status, they will have a severe reduction in their   |
| ability to hit the enemy with normal physical attacks.  Other status       |
| related attacks the boss uses include the two spells Silence and Berserk   |
| which will disable the use of magic with one character and make one        |
| character only able to physically attack every turn respectively.  Here's  |
| how to deal with any of these occurrences, all you have to do is use the   |
| draw command on the boss and cast his Esuna spell on whichever character   |
| has been affected, since Esuna will remove any abnormal status effect,     |
| not just one in particular.  His final attack is an arm swipe that deals   |
| nearly 200 damage to a single character and can be quite dangerous.        |
| Let's talk about how to actually defeat this boss, there are a couple ways |
| of doing it.  If you have any Wizard Stones you can refine perhaps just    |
| one of them into some Firaga magic and really exploit his weakness to      |
| fire, but this is still the far more complicated way.  Note that this      |
| boss carries the undead property, meaning that not only is he weak to      |
| holy based magic but also to cure based magic.  If you cast the Cure spell |
| on this boss he will take damage rather than gain life, and of course you  |
| can see where this is going to lead.  Have one of your characters minimum  |
| able to use the Item command in battle.  Select Item, then choose one of   |
| the Elixirs you should have obtained recently.  Use the Elixir on          |
| Gerogero to find out what an easy weakness it is.  The Elixir will         |
| deal 3650 damage to the boss automatically and kill him instantly.         |
|                                                                            |

Following the battle you'll be back in the train again.  Speak to Selphie and 
Zell, then to Rinoa.  When you're done go save the game and talk to Watts when 
you're ready to leave.  Be sure to check out the Pet Shop just above the train 
platform and pick up Pet Pals Vol.3 and Pet Pals Vol.4.  Follow the road down 
to the lower right of the train platform, check out the junk shop here and you 
can save your game at the inn.  Return to the train platform and take the 
upper right path.  Enter the Timber Maniacs building and check out the stack 
of magazines on the floor beside the desk to get 'Girl Next Door.'  Next enter 
the room on the left, there's a hidden draw point in here containing Blizzaga.  
If you go up into the other room you can find an old issue of Timber Maniacs 
on the floor.  Leave the building and head right to the next screen.  Ignore 
the stairs and keep going right.  Though the door at the top you'll find a 
sink, when you examine it you can drink the Owl's Tear and heal yourself 
fully.  After doing this examine the cupboard at the top of the room four 

o-- Junk Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Revolver........100 Gil  (Squall)   M-Stone Piece....6  Screw............2 |
| Shear Trigger...200 Gil  (Squall)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Metal Knuckle...100 Gil  (Zell)     Fish Fin.........1  M-Stone Piece....4 |
| Maverick........200 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Fin.......1  Spider Web.......1 |
| Chain Whip......100 Gil  (Quistis)  M-Stone Piece....2  Spider Web.......1 |
| Flail...........100 Gil  (Selphie)  M-Stone Piece....2  Bomb Fragment....1 |
|                                                                            |

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

o-- Pet Shop ----------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| G-Potion....................200 Gil    G-Hi-Potion.................600 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil    Pet House..................1000 Gil |
| Magic Scroll...............5000 Gil    GF Scroll..................5000 Gil |
| Draw Scroll................5000 Gil    Item Scroll................5000 Gil |
| Amnesia Greens.............1000 Gil    Pet Pals Vol.3.............1000 Gil |
| Pet Pals Vol.4.............1000 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

times to get '500 Gil,' however after stealing this man's money you may no 
longer use his faucet.  Return to the stairs in the previous area you passed 
by and go down them this time, you'll have to fight a couple of normal 
Galbadian soldiers, after which you receive the 'Buel Card.'  Check out the 
item shop and use the Cure draw point.  Go into the pub and speak to the man 
by the back door, choose to tell him about the card and he'll let you keep it, 
giving you a 'Tonberry Card' as well.  Proceed into the back alley and save 
your game.  Continue left and quite a long scene occurs.  It pretty much 
doesn't end until you're downstairs in the old lady's house.  Before you leave 
she'll give you a 'Potion,' 'Phoenix Down,' 'Soft,' 'Antidote' and 'Remedy' to 
take with you.  Leave the house and go right.  Continue right after speaking 
with Zone and cross the bridge to get to the train platform.  Board the train 
and you're off.  Speak to everyone on the train and you'll be dropped off at 
the East Academy Station.  Across the bridge and Northwest of the station is a 
forest between two mountain sides, end the forest and watch the scene.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Laguna                        |
         (00009)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head up and go down the hill.  Use the Sleep 
|                              |  draw point then go straight at the fork.  At 
| None...................... / |  the next fork with three paths take the 
|                              |  middle path and descend the ladder.  At the 
o------------------------------o  bottom of this screen, just above the light 
                                  on the left you can find an Old Key on the 
ground, however when you pick it up Laguna will lose it immediately, doing 
this will have an effect later in the game however.  Continue down and examine 
the top of the middle hatch.  Choose to tamper with the hatch.  Head two more 
screens to the right, at around the middle of the pile of those big curcular 
metal rings, whatever they are, you can find another Old Key which you will 
immediately lose again.  Follow the path up two screens and examine the object 
on the ground.  Choose to press the red switch for the furthest boulder.  
Afterward press the blue switch for the closer boulder.  Climb the stairs at 
the top of this area and follow the linear walkway across into the next area.  
When you reach a save point go up from there until a scene triggers.  You'll 
fight against some cyborg soldiers which are stronger than the normal soldiers 
however a simple cast of Quezacotl which exploits their weakness to Thunder 
will really clean their clocks.  After the second battle the scene continues 
and you're back with your party once again.  Leave the forest and make tracks 
for Galbadia Garden.  Keep in mind that since Selphie and Quistis were 
technically Kiros and Ward in the fantasy, both of them have the one remaining 
HP from when the party was hit by Soul Crush so careful if you go into battle.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Galbadia Garden                   |
         (0000A)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head inside the Garden and speak to your 
|                              |  party members at the gate.  Just into the 
| None...................... / |  main hall you'll find a save point on the 
|                              |  right.  Take a look where the beam of yellow 
o------------------------------o  light hits the ground in the centre of this 
                                  room, examine that area to find a draw point 
for Haste magic.  Continue up until you reach a set of stairs, climb up and go 
through the door right below you at the top.  Speak to your party members and 
Quistis will enter the room.  Speak to all your party emembers when you have 
control again.  Leave the room and go down the stairs, as you go to leave 
another scene triggers as you approach the main entrance hall.  Leave the 
Garden and meet up with your party.  After forming your battle party there is 
a train platform right beside Galbadia Garden.  Give the man 3000 Gil and 
board the train for Deling City.  Once you're on the train try to leave and 
the rest of the party will come in.  Go check on Selphie and Irvine.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                     Deling City                     |
         (0000B)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Get off the train and ride the escalator 
|                              |  down and then up into Deling City.  From the 
| None...................... / |  fountain head down and right.  This will 
|                              |  lead you to the Galbadia Hotel.  Upstairs in 
o------------------------------o  the Galbadia Hotel you can find an old issue 
                                  of Timber Maniacs, you actually have to stay 
the night, you'll find it between the beds.   Levae the hotel and continue 
down.  On the right side of the road are the shops, check out the item shop 
and the junk shop.  Head down and then take the right path at the fork.  This 

o-- Junk Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Revolver........100 Gil  (Squall)   M-Stone Piece....6  Screw............2 |
| Shear Trigger...200 Gil  (Squall)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Metal Knuckle...100 Gil  (Zell)     Fish Fin.........1  M-Stone Piece....4 |
| Maverick........200 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Fin.......1  Spider Web.......1 |
| Chain Whip......100 Gil  (Quistis)  M-Stone Piece....2  Spider Web.......1 |
| Flail...........100 Gil  (Selphie)  M-Stone Piece....2  Bomb Fragment....1 |
|                                                                            |

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

is the area with Caraway's Mansion.  Speak to the soldier on the right and 
he'll tell you about the test.  It's time to head for the Tomb of the Unknown 
King.  You might want to buy a location displayed from him for 5000, then have 
him escort you out of town.  The tomb is located far to the Northeast.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\               Tomb of the Unknown King              |
         (0000C)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Use the Protect draw point on the left then 
|                              |  the save point on the right.  The entrance 
| Minotaur Card.........._____ |  to the tomb is at the top of the screen, not 
|                              |  it is very easy to get lost in here so 
o------------------------------o  follow my directions exactly.  When you 
                                  first enter the tomb go up one screen and 
you'll find a sword on the ground, it should have the ID number on it.  Write 
this number down, now if you want, you can leave.  If you want a new Guardian 
Force you'll have to keep going.  Make a right at the fork here, go around the 
curved path, make a right at the fork, go around the curved path, make a right 
at the fork, head straight, examine the minotaur here.  

| Sacred                  | Level: 15        | Hit Points: 2468/2468         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Earth GF in the Tomb of the   |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | Unknown King.  Recovers by    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | power of the earth.  Attacks  |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Immune  | with a large steel orb.       |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Sacred is the Earth GF, equipped with a huge spiked mace and ready to      |
| clomp you over the head with it.  He has a basic attack for just over      |
| 100 damage where he basically just smacks you in the face with his weapon. |
| Sacred also has some kind of Regen in effect allowing him to restore HP    |
| at a consistent rate through the battle.  This is pretty much all he does  |
| for the entire fight so your primary job is to just make sure you can      |
| keep up with the damage, and that the damage you deal isn't balanced       |
| by his HP gain.  The best way to do this is through the use of Guardian    |
| Forces and Squall or Zell's limit breaks if you can get them.              |
|                                                                            |

Keep in mind that this whole temple is based on YOUR perspective, so when 
leave it's going to look almost the same as it did when you came.  Just follow 
my specific directions and you'll be fine.  Head down from where you fought 
Sacred, then up, make a right at the fork, go around the curved path, make a 
right at the fork, go around the curved path, make a right at the fork, head 
straight up.  Use the draw point here (seriously) and hope you get a lot of 
the Float spell.  Next use the controls on the right side to open the 
floodgate.  Leave this room.  Now head up, go up at the fork, make a right at 
the fork, go up at the fork, go around the curved path, make a right at the 
fork, go straight up.  Now examine the handle on the right to remove it.  Also 
check out the right corner for a Cura draw point which is invisible.  Head 
down to leave the room, now go up, go up at the fork, make a right at the 
fork, make a left at the fork, make a left at the fork, head straight up.  You 
should now be inside staring at the miniotaur.  Note that if you're still 
looking for this area, it's in the exact middle directly up from the entrance.  

| Sacred                  | Level: 15        | Hit Points: 2468/2468         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Earth GF in the Tomb of the   |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | Unknown King.  Recovers by    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | power of the earth.  Attacks  |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Immune  | with a large steel orb.       |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Minotaur                | Level: 11        | Hit Points: 2455/2455         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Sacred's older brother.       |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | This Earth GF has healing     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | ability, as long as his feet  |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Absorbs | are on the ground.            |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Watch out for these two, who can be very dangerous when combined.  First   |
| of all, Sacred is pretty much the same as he was in the previous           |
| battle.  He'll use his normal attack every single turn and heal HP while   |
| doing it.  It's the Minotaur who provides the real challenge in this       |
| battle.  He has a normal attack just like Sacred does that deals about     |
| the same amount of damage.  He also has an attack called Mower, which      |
| pretty much "mowers" across you party and deals normal attack damage to    |
| everyone in your party.  This is all well and good, in fact the fight      |
| would be easy if that's all it was, but that's not all it is.  The         |
| Brothers are able to use a special combination attack called Mad Cow.      |
| This attack is basically an earthquake attack that will shake the ground   |
| violently and deal serious damage to everyone in your party, about 400     |
| damage to every one of them.  If you're not prepared then this attack      |
| will totally wipe you out.  Here's what you need to do to stay alive and   |
| win this battle.  First use the draw command and notice that they carry    |
| the Protect spell, this is good because you're going to need it.  Cast it  |
| on all three of your party members and it will pretty much last the entire |
| battle, cutting all physical damage you take in half.  Now here's where    |
| you hope you were able to stock a lot of those Float spells.  It's best    |
| if you distribute them among your party so you can cast it quickly.  Use   |
| Float on everyone in your party, this will make it so the earthquake       |
| spell Mad Cow can't even touch your party members and you take no          |
| damage.  As if this wasn't nice enough, cast Float on both Sacred and      |
| Minotaur.  Their ability to heal comes from some kind of bond with the     |
| Earth so when they are separated from it (floating in the air) that        |
| healing ability disappears and you are free to start smashing.  When they  |
| are no longer healing, simply a couple casts of both Shiva and Quezacotl   |
| each should be enough to eliminate both of them simultaneously.            |
|                                                                            |

For defeating the to Brothers you now get the ability to junction and use them 
as a Guardian Force.  Also from the spirit you will get the 'Minotaur Card' 
which is nice since you already got the Sacred Card from the boss battle you 
just fought.  If you've forgetten the student's ID number then be sure to 
check again as you head straight down toward the exit and back to Deling City.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                     Deling City                     |
         (0000D)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Return to General Caraway's mansion and give 
|                              |  the guard out front the student's ID number.  
| Weapons Mon Mar........_____ |  The way you have to enter it is stupid and 
|                              |  you might get confused.  You have to enter 
o------------------------------o  the ones columns, then the tens column, then 
                                  the hundreds.  Meaning that if the ID number 
was 11, you would enter 1, 1, and 0.  Head inside the house after saving your 
game and speak to Rinoa.  A scene with General Caraway follows, just stick 
behind him wherever he goes.  After his explanation you've got time to go do 
whatever you wish.  When you're prepared to begin the operation then return to 
General Caraway's house, save your game, and go inside.  After the scene, 
leave the house and follow General Caraway once again.  When you have control 
of Quistis at the gateway aferward head right down the path behind the tree 
and return to Caraway's house.  After the scene you'll have control of Rinoa.  
Up at the top right you'll find an entrance to the sewer.  Choose to climb 
down and head left for a few screens until you find the magazine 'Weapons Mon 
Mar.'  Climb out of the sewer once again and save your game.  Now start making 
your up those crates toward the top and jump across to the walkway.  On the 
next screen there is a ladder on your left and you can get up from there.  
Another scene triggers after this and lasts until you're back at Caraway's 
Mansion again with Quistis' party.  Examine the wine glasses on the left side 
of the room to take one, then go to the upper left corner and place it in the 
hands of the statue.  Leave the room and save your game.  Head down into the 
sewer and climb over top of the water wheel.  Examine the bars to go through 
the door and a cutscene triggers when you do.  You'll now have control of 
Squall, move right and navigate between the people, through the parade and 
into the building.  You'll find yourself once again here, the same place Rinoa 
was before.  Make sure Squall and Irvine are junctioned properly.  Climb up 
the crates and up to the top where you'll find Rinoa and the lizards.

| Iguion                  | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 944/944           |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....Immune  |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A mutated gateway decoration. |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Uses Petrify attacks.         |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Someone has given it the      |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....Weak    | Reflect power.                |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| These bosses have pathetically low HP totals, so low that it's well...     |
| pathetic.  With less than 1000 HP a piece you can easily eliminate them    |
| with a few normal attacks from Squall as .long as he has a decent magic    |
| spell junctioned, however don't be too quick to eliminate them.  Most      |
| important of all the first thing you should do is the the Draw command     |
| and draw the Carbuncle Guardian Force from either of the bosses.  While    |
| doing this also note the bosses carry the Cure spell and the Esuna spell,  |
| both will come in handy for this battle.  The Iguions will most often      |
| use a normal slash attack that deals about fifty damage or so, there are   |
| two other attacks you need to watch out for.  The first is the more        |
| uncommon of the two, while both bosses are still alive they can team       |
| up and use the Resonance attack which will deal about 250 damage to both   |
| party members, you'll likely need to cure after being hit by that.  The    |
| more common of the two is the Magma Breath which hits for decent damage    |
| to a single character but also has the added effect of inflicting the      |
| gradual petrify status, meaning a number will appear above the character's |
| head and when that countdown reaches zero, the character turns to stone.   |
| In order to prevent this simply draw-cast the Esuna spell and use it on    |
| the character to fix them.  As for offenses, Squall's attack is great and  |
| Renzokuken should be able to take one of them down in a single use.  The   |
| best thing however is the Brothers GF.  Not only is it strong but it       |
| exploits their weakness to Earth, if you have Boost, instant kill there.   |
|                                                                            |

When the battle is over go back one screen and examine the trap door in the 
floor on the right side.  Go down through it and pick up the sniper rifle.  
After the scene you'll have control of Quistis again.  Head up and go through 
the gate.  Cross the bridge and then go left through this gate as well.  Try 
to climb the ladder and it falls over.  Cross the ladder bridge to the other 
side and continue left.  Use the Esuna draw point here and then head back 
across the ladder bridge.  Make your way left through the gate, then up 
through the next one.  Continue up to the next screen with the water wheel and 
head right, through the gate.  When you reach the next water wheel if you go 
down and left you can find a draw point with Zombie in it.  Head back and jump 
across the water wheel, then across the one on the other side.  Now head down 
through the gate.  Jump across the water wheel here and continue down.  Jump 
across the water wheel yet again and head down for a third time.  Drop the 
ladder down at the bottom and head right.  Jump across this water wheel and 
run up to find the save point.  Climb up the ladder above the save point, past 
the first floor and high up to the second floor.  There's a quick scene here 
and then you need to hit the switch.  From here it's beyond your control.

| Seifer                  | Level: 19        | Hit Points: 1076/1076         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Decided to become a Sorceress'|
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..N/A     | Knight under Edea.  Uses Fire |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | magic in conjunction with     |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....N/A     | sword attacks.                |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Before this battle begins make sure you equip the Carbuncle Guardian       |
| Force, it will make things a lot easier, although this battle isn't        |
| exactly too difficult in the first place.  Even though you're only         |
| fighting with Squall, about 1000 HP isn't that much to take off anyway.    |
| Seifer has a couple of main attacks, first he of course has his normal     |
| Gunblade slash.  Seifer will also use the Fira spell which deals over      |
| 200 damage to Squall and can become quite dangerous.  There are two ways   |
| to deal with this.  The first is to junction Fire to your Elem-Def, but    |
| the far easier way is to simply summon the Carbuncle GF and then all of    |
| Seifer's magic will be reflected back onto him, not only preventing the    |
| damage to you, but inflicting damage upon him.  Even if Seifer does        |
| manage to get Squall's HP low enough, one use of Renzokuken will           |
| totally obliterate Seifer with any decent spell junctioned.                |
|                                                                            |

| Edea                    | Level: 11        | Hit Points: 4300/4300         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A powerful sorceress and      |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | ruler of Galbadia.  Her       |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | sorceress powers may be the   |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | most powerful in the world.   |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Following the battle with Seifer, the battle with Edea begins.  Although   |
| it opens with only Squall against her, Irvine and Rinoa will quickly       |
| join the fray.  Edea is equipped with powerful magic spells, the highest   |
| level of their kind like Thundaga, so your curative abilities had better   |
| equal her offensive capabilities.  Of course there is one surefire way     |
| of standing up to these spells and it's the same tactic you used for the   |
| previous battle, summoning Carbuncle and having Reflect on your entire     |
| party will ease the difficulty significantly.  Edea in one respect is      |
| unlike Seifer, she will not cast powerful magic and do harm to herself,    |
| instead she will use the Dispel spell over and over,  What Dispel does is  |
| remove the Reflect status from a party member.  Fortunately there is       |
| still one good thing about this, since Dispel only targets one person at   |
| a time she will waste three turns Dispel-ing your entire party after       |
| which you can simply summon Carbuncle again, all the while attacking her   |
| with your most powerful GFs and physicals.  Her physical defenses are her  |
| weak point so rather than working out a bunch of powerful magic and such,  |
| sometimes it's easiest to rely on brute strength here if your characters   |
| have the junctions to back it up.  One interesting facet about this        |
| battle is that victory is not actually required, the outcome after the     |
| battle remains unchanged regardless of whether you actually win or not,    |
| the only difference is that you don't get the AP bonus if you lose.        |
|                                                                            |
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Winhill                       |
         (0000E)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Following the switch to disc two you'll have 
|                              |  control of Laguna once again.  There's an 
| None...................... / |  invisible draw point containing Curaga 
|                              |  beside the armoire.  head downstairs and 
o------------------------------o  speak to the little girl.  Leave the house 
                                  and go down, the pub is right next door.  
After you're done talking to Kiros it's time to begin working for your food.  
Laguna's job is to help clear out the town of monsters.  Leave the pub and 
head down.  Follow the path out of town, head down until Laguna says the 
patrol is complete.  From here go left and the item shop is right beside you.  

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

Note that Laguna's funds and Squall's funds are separate, meaning you'll have 
3000 Gil here no matter what you had as Squall.  This also means that when you 
go back to Squall your money will disappear, but since item inventory remains 
the same, you should spend every last bit of the money on anything.  Return to 
the pub and speak with Raine.  After that, go next door and up to your room.  
Save the game then examine your bed and choose to take a rest.  
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                  D-District Prison                  |
         (0000F)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Speak to all three of your party members and 
|                              |  then speak to Rinoa again.  The rest of this 
| Tent..................._____ |  is a rather long scene until you have 
| Pet House.............._____ |  control of Zell once again.  Go down one 
| Pet Nametag............_____ |  floor to find a save point, then back up two 
| Str Up................._____ |  floors to find the weapons being guarded by 
| Combat King 001........_____ |  two enemies.  Approach them to trigger a 
| Cottage................_____ |  battle.  After this you'll have your party 
|                              |  again, use the opportunity to access the 
o------------------------------o  menu as a means to prepare all your 
                                  characters for the next battle.

| Biggs                   | Level: 9         | Hit Points: 1671/1671         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | He was a major during the     |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Dollet Communication Tower    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Operation, but was demoted    |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | after the operation failed.   |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     | Hates SeeD.                   |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Wedge                   | Level: 13        | Hit Points: 1743/1743         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Demoted along with Biggs      |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | for his part in the Dollet    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Communication Tower           |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | Operation.  Unfortunately,    |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     | still works under Biggs.      |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Biggs and Wedge make their not so triumphant return battling what they     |
| thought to be unarmed prisoners as they sit in a jail cell.  Hopefully     |
| you set yourself up properly for this not so difficult battle. Each one of |
| them pretty much relies on a single physical attack meaning that as long   |
| as you have a decent supply of curative magic (which you probably won't    |
| even need) there is very little chance of actually being defeated.  Now    |
| and then Wedge will use a Fire spell but it doesn't deal much more than a  |
| normal attack.  To really soften them up cast Protect on your party and    |
| then just start picking away at their health.  To make this even more of   |
| a joke, draw Reflect from Wedge and cast it on your party, this is         |
| totally a waste of time really, I'm just coming up with ways to make this  |
| fight so stupidly easy, that it's kind of funny.  Sometimes Wedge and      |
| Biggs give humourous little bits of dialogue anyway so it's interesting    |
| to just mess around here.  It's also a good chance to stock up on some     |
| spells that junction fairly well like Haste, also Protect, Shell and       |
| Reflect all junction extremely well to Elemental Defense.  When you're     |
| actually ready to end the battle, simply summon Brothers or Ifrit or       |
| any other decently powerful Guardian Force to bring the two down.          |
|                                                                            |

If you want some items, start making your way down the stairs.  Check all the 
rooms on your pay to the bottom floor to find 'Tent,' 'Pet House,' 'Pet 
Nametag,' 'Str Up,' and 'Combat King 001.'  Head all the way back again and 
start making your way up the stairs, your final destination is the thirteenth 
floor.  When you reach the tenth floor and you're around on the right side, go 
through the door and speak with the man, press square to play a card game with 
him.  If you win, he will customize your battle meter to keep more detailed 
records.  Continue up the stairs toward the thirteenth floor.  Enter the room 
and recruit Squall back into your party.  Once you're in the elevator, press 
the button to drop down.  As Zell once again, start running right, in the 
opposite direction you were moving before.  After the scene you'll need to 
form a party of Squall, Rinoa and one other person then make your way once 

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

again up to the thirteenth floor.  As you go up the scene will change to 
Irvine's party back on the eighth floor.  Enter the cell right above you and 
speak to the guy, he'll show you his shop inventory.  From here begin making 
your way down, saving on your way until you reach the third floor.  As 
Squall's party once again speak to the Moomba to get a 'Cottage.'  Head down 
to the next screen and go up the stairs below you.  Follow this path up to the 
next level and then up once again to encounter a boss enemy.

| GIM52A                  | Level: 14        | Hit Points: 2114/2114         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A Galbadian machine that      |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Weak    | attacks with magic and        |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....Weak    | missiles.  The more advanced  |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Weak    | models use high-powered       |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Immune  | beams.                        |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Elite Soldier           | Level: 14        | Hit Points: 330/330           |
| Hit Points....Low       | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | An officer acting together    |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | with Galbadian Soldiers.      |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Defeat him first, before he   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | uses recovery magic on the    |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Weak    | other soldiers.               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| A lone Elite Soldier is working with these two powerful GIM52A enemies,    |
| like the description says, the soldier will provide support to his two     |
| allies so the first thing you should do in this battle is destroy him.     |
| Once the soldier is out of the way your next task of course becomes        |
| getting rid of the large machines.  This fight is somewhat similar to the  |
| fight with Diablos.  The robots have an attack designed to be quite        |
| powerful and able to weaken you called Micro Missiles.  Micro Missiles     |
| can't ever actually kill you, instead what it does is take off half of     |
| your current HP, so even if your party is really strong this attack is     |
| still going to hurt you.  After using Micro Missiles the enemies will      |
| rely on their fast speed and moderately powerful physical attacks to       |
| knock off whatever remaining HP you have left which is why it is very      |
| important to heal in this battle.  They use their physical attacks a lot   |
| more often than Diablos did so the chances of actually being killed are a  |
| lot greater, but at least the attacks aren't too strong.  To eliminate     |
| these enemies I prefer to just let Micro Missiles take Squall's HP down a  |
| bit and then just blow them away with Renzokuken, but considering their    |
| weakness to thunder magic, a Boosted Quezacotl can work just as well.      |
|                                                                            |

Watch the quick scene with Irvine and then leave the room through the exit 
that leads outside.  Start crossing the bridge to trigger a cutscene.  Keep 
crossing afterward and get ready to move!  While hanging onto the ledge hold 
diagonal up-right to shimmy along the side.  It's quite easy if you're holding 
it the whole time but if you stop for some reason, you'll probably end up with 
a game over.  There's another scene after you finish this.  You need to choose 
a party, just as a quick note, choose your more preferred party to go with 
Squall, you'll be using that party more frequently than the other.  When you 
get out of the car go left past the U shaped bars and get onto the train.  
When you have control of the car on the world map, you can reach the Missile 
Base by going Northeast a bit then turning and driving directly West.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                    Missile Base                     |
         (0000G)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Once you get inside the Missile Base head 
|                              |  left and go through the door.  There's a 
| None...................... / |  save point here right in front of you and 
|                              |  two doors on your left.  Examine the panel 
o------------------------------o  in between the two doors to open the one on 
                                  the left.  Head forward and choose to walk 
by casually.  Run across the walkway on the next screen and down the stairs.  
Another save point here.  Speak to the two men and take the lower left exit 
beside the stairs.  You'll find a draw point here containing Blind and a 
couple of guards standing around minding their own business.  Speak to the 
guard standing on the left of the other one.  After speaking with him go back 
up one screen, then through the door leading up.  Speak to the man at the 
top and tell him the other crew says to go on ahead.  After speaking with him 
return to the other crew and give them the news.  Return once again back to 
the room being guarded by the soldier who commented on your walking style.  
Talk to him to get him to leave his position.  Examine the control panel in 
the room and just hit whatever.  Once the lights are out, leave the room.  Try 
to talk your way out of the situation by telling them you were just about to 
go make the call.  Go back down the stairs again and approach the door.  When 
the guy comes out, agree to give him a hand with the thing.  Check the left 
part of this room beside one of the large missile silos to find an invisible 
draw point for Full-Life.  Now get in between the two guys and then tap square 
repeatedly to move the launcher.  Finally leave this room and examine the 
computer terminal on the right side of the door.  Choose the Target option and 
then set error ratio.  Next choose data upload and then exit the program.  
After this head upstairs and it's time to cause a ruckus.  

| Base Leader             | Level: 14        | Hit Points: 1149/1149         |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Galbadia Missile Base         |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | security leader.  Stronger    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | than regular Galbadian        |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | soldiers.                     |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Base Soldier            | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 489/489           |
| Hit Points....Moderate  | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Galbadia Missile Base         |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | security soldiers.  Paid a    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | little better than regular    |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | Galbadian soldiers.           |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| I'm not even quite sure why this is classified as a boss battle, it's      |
| only marginally more difficult than a normal battle with the same          |
| basic enemies slightly upgraded.  The only thing that makes this battle    |
| difficult even in the slightest is the enemy ability to use Confuse on     |
| your party, implying that the enemies themselves aren't actually hard,     |
| you only need to watch out for your own party members in this battle.      |
| A confused ally can be cured easily with a simply weak physical attack,    |
| from there all you need are one or two Guardian Forces to end the fight.   |
|                                                                            |

When Quistis tells you to go look for the missile controls, check the terminal 
on your left, that's the one you're looking for.  Next examine the terminal on 
your right and beside the door, then go through the door, this is where the 
self-destruct mechanism is located.  Set it for whatever time you feel is 
necessary.  If you choose ten minutes and manage to do it successfully, your 
SeeD rank will increase on the next paycheque.  Run out of the base as quickly 
as possible, as you reach the parking lot you'll encounter a boss.

| BGH251F2                | Level: 10        | Hit Points: 6000/6000         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Named Iron Clad for its       |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..Weak    | defense capability.  The main |
| Dexterity.....Moderate  | Water....Weak    | cannon is more powerful than  |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Weak    | X-ATMO92's Ray-Bomb.          |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Base Leader             | Level: 14        | Hit Points: 1149/1149         |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Galbadia Missile Base         |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | security leader.  Stronger    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | than regular Galbadian        |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | soldiers.                     |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Base Soldier            | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 489/489           |
| Hit Points....Moderate  | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Galbadia Missile Base         |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | security soldiers.  Paid a    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | little better than regular    |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | Galbadian soldiers.           |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Definitely the hardest boss you've had to face so far, plus you have a     |
| time limit to watch out for.  I'll assume you chose the ten minute timer,  |
| so even if you didn't, obviously a strategy that will kill the boss        |
| quickly will benefit you anyway.  In terms of offense, the boss has all    |
| the bases covered.  In fact this is the first boss with an attack that     |
| has quite a good chance of killing you even at full HP, so Guardian        |
| Forces with HP Junction ability are going to help out quite a bit.         |
| Believe it or not the boss only has two attacks.  The first is a physical  |
| blast of gunfire to a single character which deals about 200 - 300 damage. |
| This is the attack you're going to see most often so it's a good idea      |
| to do what you can to lessen the damage.  The boss is stocked with the     |
| Protect spell which will reduce the damage taken from the gunshot attack   |
| by 50%.  Draw and cast it on all your characters at the beginning of the   |
| battle.  If you chose ten minutes doing this is optional, as it does       |
| admittedly waste a turn.  The next attack the boss has is the much more    |
| dangerous one.  The boss will use a single turn to prepare for the beam    |
| cannon and then let loose on the next one.  The beam cannon does about     |
| 900 damage to a single character and cannot be weakened by either the      |
| Protect or Shell spells the boss is carrying.  From this point on, the     |
| boss will no longer announce the Beam Cannon, it will just fire the        |
| cannon peridoically.  As for killing the boss quickly and efficiently,     |
| this job falls solely in the capable hands of the Quezacotl Guardian       |
| Force which is so much more effective than anything else, with the         |
| possible exception of limit breaks.  You're not going to have time to      |
| be summoning GFs with all of your characters, so assign your most          |
| powerful magic user to be the summoner of Quezacotl, and the reamaining    |
| two characters should just focus on using physical attacks enhanced by     |
| junctioned magic for the entire battle.  Boost is the most important       |
| ability to have for Quezacotl followed by SumMag+10% and the ones that     |
| follow, you're going to want to be able to deal more than 1000 damage      |
| per cast.  The boss has 6000 HP approximately and for every 1000 damage    |
| dealt, one of the six pods on its head will explode.  When the boss        |
| gets down to two pods it will use the powerful Beam Cannon on EVERY        |
| turn, totally obliterating your party.  At this point it doesn't matter    |
| how bad the idea sounds, you need to go on an all out offensive and take   |
| the boss down as quickly as possible.  If you're looking for a way to      |
| effectively survive as long as possible, note that Siren L Mag-RF          |
| ability combined with Tents, Cottages and Wizard Stones should provide     |
| a good deal of Curaga spells which will boost your hit point total to      |
| the 3000-4000 range.  After the boss has been defeated, three more         |
| soldiers pop out, but a single GF cast should eliminate those guys.        |
|                                                                            |

Run back and forth in the parking lot, to the left and then back to the right 
in order to trigger the scene.  After that you'll be back at Balamb Garden.  
If this doesn't happen either your time ran out or you screwed up when you set 
the error ratio on the computer control panel back in the Missile Base.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Balamb Garden                     |
         (0000H)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head into the Garden and make your way 
|                              |  toward the front hall.  When you are 
| Gysahl Greens.........._____ |  approached by the robed man just say "I 
| X-Potion..............._____ |  guess... for now" or something along those 
| Elixir................._____ |  lines to avoid a pointless random battle.  
| Mega Phoenix..........._____ |  Keep going until you find a scene in the 
| Remedy................._____ |  front hall.  If you're looking for a save 
| Tent..................._____ |  point, and there's a good chance you are 
| Seifer Card............_____ |  (and should be after the missile incident) 
|                              |  then you'll have to head for your room in 
o------------------------------o  the dormitory.  Doing so requires you to get 
                                  past one of the robed guards and admitting 
you're still siding with Headmaster Cid, but no matter.  All you have to do is 
fight a weak normal enemy to get by.  Head toward your room and save your 
game.  You can also rest in your bed as well, which is nice.  All right let's 
begin looking for Headmaster Cid.  Leave the dormitory and go left.  Head up 
the first path and speak with the robed man.  Fight your way through the 
random battle, then continue up to the cafeteria.  Speak to the girl at the 
top two times, on the second time she'll give you 'Gysahl Greens.'  Leave the 
cafeteria and make your way left to the next area, the quad.  When the three 
SeeDs jump down tell them you are with the Headmaster.  Speak to the three of 
them to get an 'X-Potion.'  Keep going around counter-clockwise to the next 
area, the infirmary.  Defeat the Granaldo enemy and then head inside.  Speak 
with Dr. Kadowaki again to get and 'Elixir.'  Return to the front hall, you'll 
see Xu there, ignore her for now.  Keep going right to reach the library.  
Speak to the girl there and she'll give you a 'Mega Phoenix' (it could be a 
different item if you don't have Zell in your party.)  Make your way to the 
training center, inside you'll have to fight a T-Rexaur.  Speak with the SeeD 
after saving their life to get a 'Rememdy.'  If you go through the door on the 
right you can find a man who runs an item shop there.  One more stop, the 

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

parking lot just past the training center.  Speak to the people there to get a 
'Tent.'  Now return to the front hall and ride to elevator up to the second 
floor.  Speak to Xu at the end of the hall then go back to the elevator and 
ride it up to the third floor.  After speaking with Cid, get onto the elevator 
and ride it down.  When the elevator stops, speak to your party, examine the 
control, then examine the panel in the floor.  Climb down the elevator shaft 
to the bottom.  When you have control again it might be a good idea to 
junction fire to your Elem-Atk for someone, most of the enemies in this area 
are weak to it including the upcoming bosses.  Follow the pipe up and around 
to the ladder.  Go through the lower left door at the bottom and grab hold of 
the handle.  In order to open if you have to keep tapping the square button 
over and over again, the first time you try it's extremely hard to do, it's 
probably not even worth trying.  Wait until one of your party members is 
giving you a hand with it before trying for real.  Once the handle is turned 
and you leave the room you can keep climbing down.  On the other side of this 
large pillar there's a ladder to climb.  Say that wel have no choice, let's 
go.  When you land, examine the computer control panel.  Climb back down the 
ladder to join up with your party again.  At the lower left part of this 
screen there's a flashing green button and yet another ladder leading down.  
You'll find a save point at the bottom which is definitely worth using.  Pull 
the switch beside the save point and then head up to trigger a boss fight.

| Oilboyle                | Level: 22        | Hit Points: 4507/4507         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Weak    |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | This creature lives           |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | underground.  Its slimy       |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....Immune  | body is full of oil, attacks  |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | by spitting oil.              |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| There are two Oilboyles to fight here, which shouldn't be too much of a    |
| problem provided you are adequately prepared.  The Oilboyles have three    |
| attacks.  The first is of course a normal physical attack that deals       |
| moderate damage to a single party member and can be weakened by the        |
| Protect spell (which you would have to cast yourself since neither of them |
| have it available to draw.)  The next attack is probably the most          |
| dangerous, the Sonic Wave, because it hits your entire party.  The damage  |
| will usually range anywhere between 300 - 500 damage to everyone.  Lastly  |
| the boss has the ability to shoot oil at you which does more damage than   |
| any other attack, between 600 - 800 damage, and can inflict the Darkness   |
| status on a character.  It's a good thing the boss carries the Esuna       |
| spell, if any of your characters gets inflicted with Darkness simply       |
| draw-cast the Esuna spell to remove the ailment.  This does not apply to   |
| Squall however, Squall automatically has 255% accuracy right from the      |
| beginning of the game, which basically means it's a physical impossibility |
| for him to actually miss, the Darkness status has no effect on him.  Once  |
| you've taken enough damage to bring your HP down to dangerous levels don't |
| waste your own magic or items, simply draw-cast the Cura spell from        |
| either of the Oilboyles whenever you need to use it.  Now as for offensive |
| tactics, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the bosses both  |
| have a very severe weakness to fire.  You can junction fire magic to your  |
| Elem-Atk to really raise the damage you can deal with a physical attack,   |
| but by far the most effective way to deal with this fight is just          |
| junctioning Ifrit and Boosting it, with the help of SumMag+10/20/30%       |
| you're looking at damage in the multi-thousands.  Not only that it hits    |
| both of them, so really this battle could be easily ended in just two      |
| turns provided you've learned enough of Ifrit's abilities.                 |
|                                                                            |

After the boss fight is over, head up and climb down the ladder on the next 
screen.  Approach the control panel and begin pressing buttons to trigger a 
scene.  Once everything has happened, speak with Cid and agree to go check up 
on the others.  On the second floor, run to the end of the hall and go out the 
door at the end.  Watch the cutscene when you get out there, then return back 
inside.  With that you need to return once again to the bridge upstairs.  
After the scene you'll find yourself back in your room again.  Save your game 
and head for the front hall.  Here you will be approached by one of the robed 
men, now just ride the elevator down to the basement and watch the scene.

| NORG                    | Level: 22        | Hit Points: 10,700/10,700     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......N/A     | Master of Balamb Garden.      |
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..N/A     | Opposes Headmaster Cid in     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | trying to control Balamb      |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | Garden.                       |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| NORG Pod                | Level: 16        | Hit Points: 2000/2000         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A defense shelter protecting  |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Strong  | Master NORG.  The shelter     |
| Dexterity.....High      | Water....N/A     | must be destroyed in order    |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....N/A     | to attack NORG, who is inside |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Immune  | the shelter.                  |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Left Orb                | Level: 16        | Hit Points: 1306/1306         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Immune  |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......Immune  | NORG's support system with    |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Immune  | auto-recover functions that   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....Immune  | restore any damage.  Uses     |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Immune  | status-changing attacks.      |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Immune  | Immune to fire, ice, thunder, |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Immune  | earth, poison, wind, water    |
|                         | Holy.....Immune  | and holy                      |
| Right Orb               | Level: 16        | Hit Points: 1306/1306         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Immune  |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......Immune  | NORG's support system with    |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Immune  | auto-recover functions that   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....Immune  | restore any damage.  Uses     |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Immune  | status-changing attacks.      |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Immune  | Immune to fire, ice, thunder, |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Immune  | earth, poison, wind, water    |
|                         | Holy.....Immune  | and holy                      |
|                                                                            |
| The beginning of the fight is easy as long as you've got at least one      |
| person with a decent strength physical attack, that person is probably     |
| going to be Squall.  Here's how the battle works at the beginning.  The    |
| two orbs, left and right, have three different colour states:  Blue,       |
| yellow and red.  They start off as blue and gradually move toward red.     |
| In red state they are capable of casting powerful magic and doing          |
| a good deal of damage to your party with magic like Tornado, or other      |
| status effecting spells like Silence and Darkness.  The trick is however   |
| that each time an orb is hit, it reverts to a previous state, so red       |
| would change to yellow and yellow to blue.  It doesn't matter how weak     |
| or strong the hit is either.  You main goal at the beginning of the battle |
| to to destroy the NORG Pod which has about 2000 HP.  To beat the first     |
| part of the battle without even taking damage simply do this.  Have        |
| Squall attack the NORG Pod.  Wait a second until the two orbs turn yellow  |
| and have your other two characetrs physically attack the two orbs so they  |
| change back to blue.  Keep doing this over and over until the NORG Pod     |
| is destroyed and the real NORG shows his face.  Now get something straight |
| right now.  When NORG has been revealed the first thing you need to do     |
| is use the Draw command and draw the Leviathan Guardian Force from the     |
| boss.  DRAW LEVIATHAN!  Get your attention?  Good.  Once that's out of     |
| the way you can start attacking.  Unfortunately there is no longer any     |
| way to beat the boss without it attacking, NORG will begin to use his      |
| magic on you so now you have to focus on hitting those two orbs as         |
| well as keeping your party fully healed at all times, it's quite           |
| dangerous.  Some of NORG's attacks include a basic Water spell that        |
| hits one single character, as well as a basic Blizzara spell that hits     |
| one character as well.  Notice you can Draw Shell from the boss, it may    |
| be a good idea to draw-cast Shell on all characters in your party to       |
| try and reduce some of the damage you take.  Another of NORG's attacks,    |
| the Psycho Blast is basically just a powerful attack that does 700 - 800   |
| damage to one character.  NORG also has the ability to use Slow on         |
| someone so it takes longer for them to get turns.  This will wear off      |
| eventually, but note that you can draw-cast the Esuna spell from           |
| NORG so if any abnormal status ailments occur, cure them quickly and       |
| get on with the fight. As NORG's hit points start to dwindle he will cast  |
| the Protect spell on himself to halve all physical damage he takes from    |
| that point on.  He's so adamant about protecting himself in fact that      |
| often after he casts the Protect spell, he will cast it again before it    |
| wears off, and the spell will just miss, wasting one of his turns.  If     |
| there's anything that will kill you in this battle it's going to be the    |
| Psycho Blast, when near death he just uses it over and over, be sure       |
| you've got some Curaga's in your magic inventory.  When it comes to        |
| attacking the boss, since two of your teammates are going to be            |
| generally busy, I found that Squall simply normal attacking each turn      |
| was sufficient enough to drain his HP.  If you can manage to let           |
| loose a Renzokuken on this boss, especially before NORG is able to cast    |
| the Protect spell on himself, it will totally annihilate him.              |
|                                                                            |

If you examine the ground in front of the broken NORG Pod now you can find an 
invisible draw point for Bio.  Take the elevator up and return to the first 
floor, it's probably a good idea to stop by your room in the dormitory and 
save the game.  Now you need to find Cid, you won't find him on the bridge so 
don't bother checking.  Your destination is actually the infirmary.  Speak to 
Cid and ask him each of the questions that are listed.  Leave the infirmary 
and return to the front hall where Xu will speak with you.  Get on the 
elevator and ride it to the second floor.  When Headmaster Cid asks you to go 
and find the girl, make your way to the library, you'll find her there.  In 
the morning leave your room and there's suddenly an announcement.  After that 
watch the scene.  You'll have control again up on the bridge.  Before leaving 
play a card game with Headmaster Cid, from him you can win the awesome 'Seifer 
Card.'  Now leave the bridge and make your way to the second floor, the 
balcony there is the only way to access Fishermans Horizon.  
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                 Fishermans Horizon                  |
         (0000I)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  The first thing you should do here is head 
|                              |  down below this walkway you start on, the 
| Occult Fan III........._____ |  master fisherman is there and will give you 
| Quezacotl Card........._____ |  a copy of 'Occult Fan III.'  Ride the 
|                              |  elevator down.  When you reach the bottom 
o------------------------------o  head down one screen, then before going down 
                                  the ramp to the mayor's house head right.  
You'll find a save point and a draw point here.  Go back and run down the ramp 
to reach the mayor's house.  Speak with the mayor when you get there.  After 
speaking with him challenge to a card game, you can win the 'Quezacotl Card' 
from him.  Outside of the mayor's house on the right you can find former 
headmaster of Galbadia garden, Martine.  Try playing cards with him, his stock 
is really quite impressive.  Return to that save point you found on the way to 
the mayor house and save your game, then go right.  Keep running up to the 
next area.  Choose to go and help the mayor and a battle triggers.  Simply 
summon a big Guardian Force like Leviathan to take the soldiers out.

| BGH251F2                | Level: 24        | Hit Points: 7400/7400         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Out of control after being    |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..Weak    | destroyed at the Missile      |
| Dexterity.....Moderate  | Water....Weak    | Base.  Can only fight for a   |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Weak    | short amount of time.         |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Immune  |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| This fight is very similar to the previous battle with the same monster,   |
| with one notable difference.  The boss' gun attack is approximately        |
| two times as powerful as it was the first time.  Also the boss probably    |
| has a bit more HP than it did last time.  Basically it uses a normal       |
| gun attack most of the time that will deal between 300 and 400 damage to   |
| a single character.  In order to weaken the damage taken from this attack  |
| all you have to do is draw-cast the Protect spell from the boss, it should |
| still have it.  Second is the beam Cannon which is about equally as        |
| powerful as it was in the last battle.  800 to 900 damage frequently       |
| can get pretty brutal so make sure either your characters have some        |
| decent magic like Curaga junctioned to their HP, or some decent magic      |
| like Curaga ready to cast when they get hit, or possibly both which would  |
| of course be ideal.  When it comes to defeating this boss there are two    |
| easy ways to do it.  One is to just let Squall's HP get as low as          |
| possible, have a good spell junctioned to his strength, and use            |
| Renzokuklen about once or twice to finish the boss off.  The less          |
| dangerous way is of course to keep summoning the Quezacotl Guardian        |
| Force, when you boost it as much as you can it should be able to deal      |
| between 1500 - 2000 damage to the boss with a good hit.                    |
|                                                                            |

When everyone has met up and gone, speak with Rinoa.  I guess if you didn't 
send her to the Missile Base then maybe someone else will be standing there, 
or nobody, who knows.  Leave this area and head down one screen.  Run onto the 
dock and keep going right to the next screen.  Speak to the fisherkid like 
four times to see a whole bunch of different scenes (tell him you were 
impressed by the master fisherman.)  Speak to the shopkeeper to check out the 
junk shop (remember you actually have to read the Weapons Monthly magazines 
before the new weapons appear at the shop.)  Head across the street on the 
left past the drunk to reach the combination inn and item shop.  Check out the 
upstairs to find an old issue of Timber Maniacs.  Now it's time to head back 
to Balmb Garden, be sure to stop and speak with Irvine on the way there.

o-- Junk Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Revolver........100 Gil  (Squall)   M-Stone Piece....6  Screw............2 |
| Shear Trigger...200 Gil  (Squall)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Cutting Trigger.400 Gil  (Squall)   Mesmerize Blade..1  Screw............8 |
| Flame Saber.....600 Gil  (Squall)   Betrayal Sword...1  Turtle Shell.....0 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................4 |
| Metal Knuckle...100 Gil  (Zell)     Fish Fin.........1  M-Stone Piece....4 |
| Maverick........200 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Fin.......1  Spider Web.......1 |
| Gauntlet........400 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Skin......1  Fury Fragment....1 |
| Valiant.........100 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Ulysses.........200 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......1  Bomb Fragment....1 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................2 |
| Chain Whip......100 Gil  (Quistis)  M-Stone Piece....2  Spider Web.......1 |
| Slaying Tail....200 Gil  (Quistis)  Magic Stone......2  Sharp Spike......1 |
| Red Scorpion....400 Gil  (Quistis)  Ochu Tentacle....2  Dragon Skin......2 |
| Pinwheel........100 Gil  (Rinoa)    M-Stone Piece.....  .................3 |
| Valkyrie........200 Gil  (Rinoa)    Shear Feather....1  Magic Stone......1 |
| Flail...........100 Gil  (Selphie)  M-Stone Piece....2  Bomb Fragment....1 |
| Morning Star....200 Gil  (Selphie)  Steel Orb........2  Sharp Spike......2 |
|                                                                            |

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Balamb Garden                     |
         (0000J)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Your goal here is to head to the Quad and 
|                              |  find Selphie.  From here it's just a lengthy 
| None...................... / |  scene that follows.  Soon enough you'll be 
|                              |  back at the Quad and forced to choose 
o------------------------------o  musical instruments for people.  Despite 
                                  their objections earlier they seem to all be 
quite proficient at playing, oh well.  The actual characters make no 
difference, it's all about the instruments, you can mix and match to make 
whatever song you want however the two real songs are as follows.  For a 
faster more upbeat song the correct instruments are the guitar, the flute, tap 
dancing and the violin.  For a slower and more relaxed song choose the bass 
guitar, piano, saxophone and electric guitar.  Later that night, as Squall, 
leave your room and speak to Rinoa.  Head down and watch the concert, then go 
right when you're tired of watching for another scene.  The next day, speak 
with Nida on the bridge and tell him you are ready to depart.  Now that you 
have control of Balamb Garden you can do anything you want!  Or perhaps not.  
You'll find the town of Balamb to the North, on the island that's somewhat in 
the middle of all the other continents.  This town is your next destination.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Balamb                        |
         (0000K)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Enter Balamb and speak to the guard, then 
|                              |  speak to the two people and then to the 
| None...................... / |  guard once again.  Now that you're actually 
|                              |  inside the town, head to Zell's house and 
o------------------------------o  speak with his mother.  Leave Zell's house 
                                  and check out the shops if you need to, they 
should still be open for business.  Now make your way to the hotel and speak 
to the guards standing out front.  After this head to the dock (down near the 
end) and speak with the soldier standing beside the dog.  From here, return to 
Zell's house and speak with Zell's mother.  Next thing you need to do is to

o-- Junk Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Revolver........100 Gil  (Squall)   M-Stone Piece....6  Screw............2 |
| Shear Trigger...200 Gil  (Squall)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Cutting Trigger.400 Gil  (Squall)   Mesmerize Blade..1  Screw............8 |
| Flame Saber.....600 Gil  (Squall)   Betrayal Sword...1  Turtle Shell.....0 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................4 |
| Metal Knuckle...100 Gil  (Zell)     Fish Fin.........1  M-Stone Piece....4 |
| Maverick........200 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Fin.......1  Spider Web.......1 |
| Gauntlet........400 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Skin......1  Fury Fragment....1 |
| Valiant.........100 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Ulysses.........200 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......1  Bomb Fragment....1 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................2 |
| Chain Whip......100 Gil  (Quistis)  M-Stone Piece....2  Spider Web.......1 |
| Slaying Tail....200 Gil  (Quistis)  Magic Stone......2  Sharp Spike......1 |
| Red Scorpion....400 Gil  (Quistis)  Ochu Tentacle....2  Dragon Skin......2 |
| Pinwheel........100 Gil  (Rinoa)    M-Stone Piece.....  .................3 |
| Valkyrie........200 Gil  (Rinoa)    Shear Feather....1  Magic Stone......1 |
| Flail...........100 Gil  (Selphie)  M-Stone Piece....2  Bomb Fragment....1 |
| Morning Star....200 Gil  (Selphie)  Steel Orb........2  Sharp Spike......2 |
|                                                                            |

o-- Item Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

check out the train station, talk to the two soldiers there and the train guy 
as well.  Make tracks for the docks once again, this time just speak to the 
dog.  When it runs off, follow the dog back to the train station again.  Now 
after this make sure you junction everything you need on your party and set 
yourself up for a boss battle, then go back to the hotel.

| Raijin                  | Level: 20        | Hit Points: 8000              |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Looking for Ellone with       |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Absorbs | Fujin.  Good at physical      |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | attacks.  Tries to act cool   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | around other people.          |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| G-Soldier               | Level: 20        | Hit Points: 240/240           |
| Hit Points....Low       | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Galbadian soldier that uses   |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | magic with a sword.  Strong   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | enough, but nowhere near as   |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | strong as any SeeD member.    |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Well first of all those two Galbadian Soldiers certainly aren't going      |
| to be hard to take out.  Raijin on the other hand is a slightly different  |
| story.  Raijin has one single attack, and really that's all he needs.      |
| Rajin's only attack is a physical attack from his pole, it deals about     |
| 350 damage to one character and he's quite fast so you'll find it          |
| actually gets rather dangerous over time.  Start the battle by summoning   |
| a Guardian Force to eliminate the two Galbadian soldiers.  Summon          |
| something like Leviathan, if you summon Quezacotl then Raijin will gain    |
| life due to his absorbing of thunder based elemental attacks.  After       |
| the soldiers have been dealt with, next you'll want to use one turn        |
| with all your characters to have them draw-cast the Protect spell that     |
| Raijin has on themselves.  Since Raijin's only attack is a normal physical |
| hit then obviously this is going to extend the battle for twice is long.   |
| When it comes to damaging Raijin there are a number of ways that work      |
| well, personally, like usual, I prefer to just waste him with Squall's     |
| limit break.  With 100 Waters still junctioned to strength from the        |
| beginning of the game, as the best weapon you can currently get for        |
| him, Renzokuken should hit about six times for 1000 each time plus         |
| final attack he uses (if any.)  Other people's limits can be just as       |
| effective like Zell's Duel or Irvine's shot.  If physical attacks aren't   |
| your thing there's always summoning Guardian Forces over and over until    |
| you're sick of the animations, but at least you'll be protected during     |
| the casting time and they'll be taking damage instead of you.  Now here's  |
| one more final tip to really make this battle easy.  Before going into     |
| the fight junction 100 Sleeps to someone's physical attack, Raijin is      |
| susceptible to the Sleep spell so in theory you should be able to attack   |
| him over and over again without actually letting him get a turn.  In the   |
| event he does get a turn it won't matter, because he also happens to       |
| lack an immunity to the Blind spell which makes it a lot harder for him    |
| to actually connect with a physical attack.  Now you can't lose!           |
|                                                                            |

| Fujin                   | Level: 24        | Hit Points: 7200/7200         |
| Hit Points....Moderate  | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Looking for Ellone under      |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Seifer's command.  Uses wind  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | magic through the help of     |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | another being with wind       |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...N/A     | power.  Also attacks with     |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     | Pinwheel.                     |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Raijin                  | Level: 24        | Hit Points: 9600/9600         |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Looking for Ellone with       |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Absorbs | Fujin.  Good at physical      |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | attacks.  Tries to act cool   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | around other people.          |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Raijin comes back once again, this time with Fujin at his side.  There     |
| are quite a few things to consider for this battle, but I know exactly     |
| where to start.  Fujin has the Pandemona Guardian Force.  DRAW PANDEMONA   |
| FROM FUJIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Understand?  Good.  Now as for the        |
| actual battle here's how it works.  In Raijin's case he still has the      |
| same physical attack he had outside the hotel, but if I'm not mistaken     |
| it's even stronger now (though not by much, maybe 50 - 100 points.)        |
| This really doesn't matter, what matters is his brand new attack called    |
| the Raijin special which he will use randomly.  The Raijin Special hits    |
| a single character for 800 - 900 points of physical damage.  Raijin still  |
| has the Protect spell to be drawn from him so you'll want to get that on   |
| your characters as soon as possible, it cuts the damage taken from the     |
| Raijin Special in half.  For Fujin, all she will do is use wind magic      |
| over and over.  The two spells she uses are Aero and the much more         |
| damgerous Tornado.  Aero hits a single character for about 200 - 250       |
| damage while Tornado hits your entire party for 400 - 500 damage.  Far     |
| more dangerous.  Now, imagine you had 100 of the Tornado spell yourself    |
| already... what if you junctioned it to your Elem-Def... I imagine you     |
| would benefit quite a lot from Fujin's attacks, possibly even healed by    |
| them although it really doesn't matter and I'll get to the reason in       |
| just a second.  You'll remember I said to draw the Pandemona Guardian      |
| Force from Fujin at the beginning.  Well if you note her description when  |
| you scan her, it says her wind magic is based on the help of another       |
| being with wind power, this is the Pandemona Guardian Force.  Once         |
| Pandemona has been drawn out of Fujin she is no longer able to cast any    |
| wind magic.  From now until the end of the battle her only attack is       |
| called Zan.  She throws her pinwheel at you for a pathetic 200 damage or   |
| so.  Not only is this attack weak, but the damage is cut in half by the    |
| Protect spell.   Fujin has just become totally useless and you need to     |
| focus all your attacks on Raijin.  Note that all the status effects that   |
| worked in the last battle still work on Raijin, and even work on Fujin     |
| as well so it's quite easy to just put them both to sleep and let loose    |
| your most powerful Guardian Forces.  Just remember that you still can't    |
| use Quezacotl, and while you don't have any wind based Guardian Forces     |
| at the moment, avoid spells like Aero and Tornado yourself.  You can       |
| draw the Cura spell from Fujin if you party needs healing which is just    |
| another reason to keep her alive while you focus your attacks on Raijin.   |
|                                                                            |

When you're back in control of Balamb Garden again you have to get up to the 
North continent and find Trabia Garden.  You can get onto the continent via 
the beach North of the island with Balamb on it.  Trabia Garden is located at 
the Northeast part of the continent, it's hidden behind a bunch of mountains 
so you'll have to constantly rotate your camera around in order to find it.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                    Trabia Garden                    |
         (0000L)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Follow Selphie into the Garden by climbing 
|                              |  over the green vines.  Head up and speak to 
| Weapons Mon Aug........_____ |  Selphie beside the fountain.  After this 
| Selphie Card..........._____ |  note the statue in the middle of the 
|                              |  foundtain.  Stand as close to it as you can 
o------------------------------o  in the middle of the screen and take five 
                                  steps down, then examine the ground.  The 
magazine 'Weapons Mon Aug' is invisible, hidden here on the ground.  Even if 
you aren't exactly at the correct position, just run around pressing X as 
close as you can to the camera without actually going down to the next screen.  
There is by the way someone who tells you of this location, don't worry, the 
game doesn't expect you to find invisible items... well maybe those Old Keys 
with Laguna, but regardless.  Go around behind Selphie and head right to find 
the cemetery.  Behind one of the tombstones at the top of the screen you will 
find an old issue of Timber Maniacs.  Return to where Selphie is standing and 
go left this time.  Make another left again, then left once more to find your 
other party members on the basketball court.  Speak to everyone in your party 
then try to leave to trigger a scene.  There's a long flashback scene here 
that basically involves walking around and talking to people, very little need 
for a walkthrough, so it's easiest just to avoid spoilers that way.  When it's 
all over and you're back in Balamb Garden once again, leave the Garden and go 
back into Trabia.  Play a card game with Selphie's friend and you can win the 
'Selphie Card' from her.  Back in Balamb Garden once again you need to find 
the orphanage, you can find it by piloting the garden to that large collection 
of islands at the far South that almost comprises a whole continent, the 
orphanage is located on the far West tip.  You don't actually need to go into 
the orphanage at all, just press X to examine it then get back into Balamb 
Garden.  Hovering in the nearby forest you'll find Galbadia Garden.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Balamb Garden                     |
         (0000M)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Give out your orders and then form a party.  
|                              |  With Squall you have to head down to the 
| None...................... / |  first floor and make your way to the Quad.  
|                              |  After another scene, with Zell's party head 
o------------------------------o  left.  After ANOTHER scene go to the front 
                                  gate and find Squall there.  As Squall's 
party now ride the elevator up to the second floor and head for the classroom.  
You'll have to fight four normal soldiers when you arrive here.  Speak to the 
girl with the kids after and then get back up to the bridge.  After this, ride 
the elevator to the second floor and run to the end of the hall.  Speak to the 
kid and the battle begins.  When your life meter pops up and you have control, 
turn around and examine the door.  Choose to "look around for another 
option."  Examine it again and choose to "press the button for the emergency 
exit."  Start tapping the triangle button to punch and the X button to kick 
the guy.  When the scene changes so that there's just the sky in the 
background, tap the square button over and over to keep blocking.  After 
blocking a couple of hits the option to press circle and use a Deathblow will 
appear, this should pretty much let you win automatically.  If you lose, no 
big deal, just try again.  When all this is said and done you'll finally be 
able to enter Galbadia Garden and form your main attack party.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                  Galbadia Garden                    |
         (0000N)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Start by saving your game at the save point 
|                              |  in the first hall then take the right branch 
| Card Key [1]..........._____ |  and then go right again on the next screen 
| Card Key [2]..........._____ |  to find the stairs leading up.  Speak with 
| Card Key [3]..........._____ |  Fujin & Raijin then head left.  Go through 
|                              |  the door on the right and speak to the 
o------------------------------o  person in there to get 'Card Key [1].'  With 
                                  the card key in hand, return to the first 
floor save point and go left this time.  Take the door on the left and run 
across the hockey rink.  You'll find a draw point for Protect in the net.  The 
door through the upper leads to a change room with a Life draw point, while 
the upper right door leads to another hallway.  Speak to the student through 
the door on the right here and he'll give you the 'Card Key [2].'  Head back 
to the stairs on the right side of the initial save point and climb them up to 
the third floor.  Drop down from the balcony and run left, using the Shell 
draw point along the way.  Run straight down until you reach the main hall, go 
around the giant monster in the middle and use the save point at the bottom.  
That giant monster is an optional boss that will net you a new Guardian Force.

| Cerberus                | Level: 17        | Hit Points: 8700/8700         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A 3-headed demon dog of       |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..Absorbs | hell.  In Triple, each of     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | the three heads uses          |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | different magic.  The tail is |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...N/A     | also powerful.                |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Immune  |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The time has come to do battle with Cerberus, the mythical beast of three  |
| heads who guards the gates to the underworld, and likes to spend his       |
| off-time making sure all the students in Galbadia Garden are carrying      |
| their hall passes.  Cerberus has a few basic attacks that he starts the    |
| battle off with but does eventually change his pattern after taking a      |
| certain amount of damage.  Cerberus will start with a physical attack      |
| that is quite powerful.  Having Protect on your characters might help      |
| but it also might cause a problem for reasons explained better in a        |
| moment.  Cerberus' other primary attack is the Tornado spell, the best     |
| thing you can do is before the battle, refine as many Aero spells as you   |
| can (or better yet, Tornado spells if possible) and junction them to       |
| everyone's Elem-Def.  This goes on for a few thousands damage, then once   |
| Cerberus has been hit for enough, he will cast Triple on himself.  There   |
| are a few things you can do here.  First of all understand that Triple     |
| is a spell that allows the caster to use not one, not two, but three       |
| magic spells in a single cast.  Your first inclination might be to cast    |
| Reflect on your party using the Carbucnle Guardian Force or something of   |
| that sort.  Doing so however will make Cerberus cast Dispel three times    |
| to remove your Reflect status.  This has its benefits though, first,       |
| it wastes one of his turns.  Secondly when he triple-casts the Dispel      |
| spell, it doesn't hit each one of you party members, it just gets used     |
| on three characters randomly so technically it could hit the same person   |
| three times causing him to use it again next turn or live with the fact    |
| that you can Reflect his magic.  This is also what I meant about problems  |
| with Protect, Dispel will just take that off your party as well.  Another  |
| option is for you to cast your own Dispel magic, since Triple is a magic   |
| state, Dispel will remove the Triple status from Cerberus causing him      |
| to cast it once again.  Using these tactics you should be able to keep     |
| him bus and occupied while you attack.  Cerberus will pretty much always   |
| have less than 10,000 hit points, regardless of level, which isn't very    |
| much at all.  Use physical attacks to shave off his health throughout the  |
| battle.  If you need to summon Guardian Forces, be sure not to summon      |
| Pandemona and be doubly sure not to summon Quezacotl, he is immune to and  |
| absorbs their damage respectively.  Lastly I'll just outline what I did    |
| to win this battle personally.  I took off all Guardian Forces from my     |
| characters and put them all on Squall, then I junctioned Cura to his       |
| hit points and Curaga to his vitality so that he had a fair bit of life    |
| and physical attacks would be severely weakened.  Next I junctioned        |
| Aero to his Elem-Def.  For abilities he had Str+20%, Str+40% and Mug.      |
| When the battle begins I cast Haste on Squall then attack about three      |
| times before the Spd-J Scroll is stolen.  That scroll allows a Guardian    |
| Force to learn the ability to junction magic to speed, one of the most     |
| important stats you can improve.  After this Cerberus was able to knock    |
| down Squall's hit points to a critical level.  A single Renzokuken, with   |
| only his second level weapon and 100 Waters junctioned to strength was     |
| able to eliminate Cerberus with one use, it's an effective tactic.         |
|                                                                            |

Take the lower left door then go into the classroom on the left.  Get the 
'Card Key [3]' from the girl and then return to where you to where you fought 
Cerberus.  Take the upper left door and climb the stairs that you see here.  
Go left and use the card key to ride the elevator up.  There's a save point at 
the top, when you're ready to face the Sorceress, you can approach her.  

| Seifer                  | Level: 25        | Hit Points: 8500/8500         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Attacks with Edea to destory  |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | SeeD.  His sword skills have  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | been refined, and he has      |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | gained more skills.           |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| As usual, Seifer is all talk and no... walk.  The point is that he pretty  |
| much relies on his physical sword attack for the entire battle, which      |
| isn't exactly weak, dealing three to four hundred damage each time,        |
| but it's so easy to just cast a cure spell and heal yourself from it.      |
| Seifer's only other attack is Fira, which is even weaker than his          |
| physical attack.  Seifer also happens to be too stupid to know the         |
| difference between a Reflecting character an a normal character.  This     |
| with one single use of Carbuncle, he will spend half the battle casting    |
| Fira on himself, and he's perfectly happy to do it over and over again.    |
| Unfortunately this can't just be a simple no-nonsense fight, there of      |
| course has to be something that at least gives it some challenge, and in   |
| this case, it just so happens that there is.  After losing about three     |
| quarters of his life, Seifer will get angry at Squall and use the Demon    |
| Slice.  Unlike his other attacks, this one is daggerous, it will hit       |
| Squall for more than 1000 damage, and he doesn't just use it once.  After  |
| he uses it the first time, he will randomly use it again after that point  |
| meaning you need to go on an all out offensive to make sure he never gets  |
| that chance.  In order to maintain his... being alive... Seifer will start |
| to use Hi-Potions every turn near the end of the battle, meaning you       |
| aren't even going to be attacked anymore, but if you can deal more than    |
| 1000 damage per round then you've got a problem.  Use limit breaks or      |
| magic or whatever it takes to bring him down.  Remember you probably just  |
| got the Cerberus Guardian Force, use it on your party to put them in the   |
| Triple status, then Triple cast some powerful magic on Seifer.             |
|                                                                            |

Fortunately, while there is another battle coming up, you are given time to 
save and heal in between the fights.  Save your game, use a Tent, then go back 
down the elevator and head right on the second floor.  Go around the outer 
walkway to the door at the bottom, this is the auditorium.

| Edea                    | Level: 25        | Hit Points: 12,500/12,500     |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A sorceress bent on           |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | conquering the world.  Hired  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Galbadia Garden forces to     |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | destroy SeeD; which stands    |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     | in her way.                   |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Seifer                  | Level: 25        | Hit Points: 6000/6000         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Defeated once, and still      |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | trying to fight to save his   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | pride.  HP is lower due to    |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....N/A     | the defeat, but skills are    |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...Weak    | higher.                       |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| While Edea is present when the fight begins, she will not do anything,     |
| nor can you actually attack her, instead you must focus on Seifer.  There  |
| are subtle differences between this fight and the last one, but mostly in  |
| your favour.  Seifer's physical attack seems to be weakened a bit, he      |
| has less hit points and he won't use the Demon Slice attack.  Also the     |
| item you can Mug from him has changed, you can now grab a Hero which is    |
| a very important type of item you'll want to have later in the game that   |
| temporarily makes a character invulnerable to attack.  Once Seifer has     |
| been defeated, the battle against Edea will officially begin.  Before you  |
| do anything, and I mean anything, use the draw command and take the        |
| Alexander Guardian Force from her inventory.  DRAW THE ALEXANDER GF,       |
| DO NOT FORGET.  There you go.  As for attacks, the Sorceress has many of   |
| them, and powerful ones at that.  First of all her Maelstrom hits all of   |
| your party members and takes away half of their current hit points, but at |
| least it can't kill them.  It also inflicts a status ailment on them       |
| which I beleive is the Cursed status that does not allow you to use        |
| limit breaks, it can be cured with Esuna magic which fortunately can       |
| be drawn right from Edea.  Edea also likes to cast Silence on most members |
| of your party to prevent them from using magic.  Since these people would  |
| be unable to use Esuna on themselves, you'll have to either hope that you  |
| have other party members who are not silenced, or that you have items you  |
| can use to get rid of it (Echo Screen or Remedy will do the trick).  When  |
| if comes to damaging your party Edea will use the powerful Blizzaga        |
| spell over and over again.  Lastly, and most dangerously, Edea has the     |
| ability to use Death magic,  With a single cast she will kill off one of   |
| your party members.  Having the Full-Life spell in your stock is a good    |
| thing for this battle, although prevention is the best form of treatment.  |
| Junctioning the Death spell yourself to your ST-Def will totally           |
| eliminate all danger from that spell.  If you don't have death, note that  |
| junctioning Life and Full-Life to your ST-Def will also increase your      |
| resistance to death, perhaps not 100%, but it will certainly help.  With   |
| all this though, Edea is not without her weaknesses, and the ones she does |
| have are quite pathetic.  First, Edea likes to cast Dispel magic on your   |
| party which is why it's hard to Reflect her Blizzaga spells.  The thing is |
| though, if you're not even trying to use Reflect at all, she will still    |
| spend time casting Dispel on your party for no apparent reason, the spell  |
| just misses and she wastes her turn.  Worst of all for Edea is that she    |
| is susceptible to the Sleep spell.  If you have 100 Sleeps junctioned      |
| to your ST-Atk, you can in theory just attack her over and over again,     |
| ending the battle without even giving her a turn.  With an easy-to-exploit |
| weakness like this you shouldn't have any problems.  She has no immunities |
| so all magic is equally effective, just don't forget to draw Alexander!    |
|                                                                            |
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                     Orphanage                       |
         (0000O)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Once the announcement is heard over the 
|                              |  loudpseaker, head for the bridge.  Pilot 
| Weapons Mon Jul........_____ |  Balamb Garden back to the Orphanage.  Inside 
|                              |  the first room where Headmaster Cid is 
o------------------------------o  standing, you'll find an old issue of Timber 
                                  Maniacs.  Follow Cid in and speak to Edea.  
When you're back in Balamb Garden again, before going anywhere, ride the 
elevator down.  Head to the Training Center.  Inside, go through the left 
door.  Up past the broken tree you will find 'Weapons Mon Jul' lying there on 
the ground.  Make your way to the infirmary and visit Rinoa.  You'll have to 
choose who gives their junctions to who for the Laguna sequence.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                    Trabia Canyon                    |
         (0000P)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  After the first scene is through there's a 
|                              |  little minigame similar to the one that 
| None...................... / |  occurred with Squall and the Galbadian 
|                              |  soldier.  Unlike the other one, there's no 
o------------------------------o  reason to ever defend.  In fact as long as 
                                  you just keep tapping triangle as fast as 
possible you'll defeat the dragon without it ever even attacking.  After this 
is all over, if you choose "Hold on a sec" you'll have access to a save point 
and be able to use the menu, which is a good idea.  Once you're prepared for 
battle, go back to the previous screen and get ready to fight the dragon.

| Ruby Dragon             | Level: 17        | Hit Points: 10,644/10,644     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Absorbs |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......Weak    | Strong and smart dragon.  If  |
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..N/A     | enemies are using Reflect, it |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | casts Reflect on itself to    |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | mirror the attack.            |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Absorbs |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| While technically not a boss, it is a difficult enemy that could use       |
| some strategic planning.  First of all, as you can see from the            |
| elemental chart, you're definitely going to want to shy away from Guardian |
| Forces like Ifrit and Pandemona since they will heal the Ruby Dragon,      |
| the same applies for pretty much any attack of those elements.  The        |
| Ruby Dragon has two main attacks that it uses, those attacks are a claw    |
| slice that deals about 400 physical damage.  The other is the Fira         |
| spell, you don't want to Reflect that or anything though since it will     |
| heal the Ruby Dragon.  The thing to do is to just junction a bunch of      |
| Fire magic to your Elem-Def before the battle starts so that it doesn't    |
| really hurt you at all.  Keep in mind that Laguna's limit is very          |
| powerful and you've got that great new Guardian Force, Alexander, that     |
| you can summon which deals Holy damage and exploits the dragon's           |
| weakness.  One final effective tactic is to summon Cerberus and Triple     |
| cast Blizzaga to exploit his weakness and deal massive damage.             |
|                                                                            |
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   White SeeD Ship                   |
         (0000Q)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Disembark from Balamb Garden and go back to 
|                              |  speak with Edea one more time.  She'll tell 
| Sorceress' Letter......_____ |  you the likely whereabouts of the White SeeD 
| Edea Card.............._____ |  ship and give you 'Sorceress' Letter.'  
| Rename Card............_____ |  Before going anywhere you might want to 
| Shiva Card............._____ |  challenge her to a card game, from her you 
|                              |  can win the 'Edea Card.'  Leave the 
o------------------------------o  Orphanage and head North.  Amidst the 
                                  islands directly above the Orphanage, maybe 
just a little bit to the East, you will find the White SeeD ship.  Looking for 
the other side of a rock it would be hard to see since it's about the same 
height as the ground that surrounds it, but once you see it unobstructed, the 
ship sticks out like a sore thumb.  When you arrive, speak to the White Seeds, 
then run to the end of the ship and speak with Zone and Watts.  Climb up the 
stairs where Zone went and speak to him after checking out the old issue of 
Timber Maniacs on the floor.  Speak to him a total of three times and if you 
got the Girl Next Door magazine back in Timber, offer it to him for free to 
get a 'Rename Card' and the 'Shiva Card.'  Go down the stairs out of here, 
then down the stairs on the bottom right.  After the scene is over and you 
have control of Balamb Garden once again, your next destination is Fishermans 
Horizon.  After scene you'll get to form your party which can include Edea if 
you wish.  Head up to reach the world map, that's the Great Salt Lake there.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Great Salt Lake                   |
         (0000R)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Form your party and head straight up.  
|                              |  Despite being a Great Salt Lake, a large 
| None...................... / |  wide open area, the path is actually quite 
|                              |  linear.  When you reach the top and edge of 
o------------------------------o  the cliff, go left.  Just as you're walking 
                                  along minding your own business...

| Abadon                  | Level: 26        | Hit Points: 14,010/14,010     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Weak    |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......N/A     | A monster born of ancient     |
| Intelligence..Very High | Thunder..N/A     | bones deep in Great Salt      |
| Dexterity.....Moderate  | Water....N/A     | Lake.  It's assumed that it   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | came to life after the Great  |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     | Salt Lake dried up.           |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Abadon is both a very easy boss and a very hard boss at the same time.     |
| Your characters give you a tip automatically at the beginning of the       |
| that makes an easy victory so obvious that there is little need for a      |
| guide at all.  Abadon has two attacks, both physical, so Protect helps     |
| you quite a bit during this fight.  His first attack and most common one   |
| deals about 700 damage to a single character.  His second deals about      |
| 400 damage but also inflicts the Cursed status ailment.  After a few       |
| attacks, Abadon will stand on his hind legs and change his attack          |
| pattern.  During this time Abadon is invulnerable to physical attacks,     |
| well almost invulnerable.  Most physical attacks deal less than 30 damage. |
| In this state Abadon will drop his two physical attacks in favour of       |
| two new spells, Confuse and Blind.  The latter isn't too dangerous but the |
| former can really turn your party against each other, before battle you    |
| may want to junction of lot of the Confuse spell to your ST-Def.  When it  |
| comes to fighting the boss it gets quite easy.  Both his fire and holy     |
| weaknesses can be exploited with the Ifrit and Alexander Guardian Forces   |
| but there are much better ways.  If someone has Curaga magic then cast it  |
| on the boss for massive damage,  With the item command, use an X-Potion    |
| or an Elixir to deal 9999 damage, with a Phoenix Down or a Mega-Phoenix    |
| you can instantly kill the boss in a single hit.  With the Recover         |
| ability you can deal 9999 damage easily, with the Revive ability you can   |
| kill the boss in one hit.  Get the idea?  It's quite simple.               |
|                                                                            |

Follow the path right and you'll see some kind of flashing imagine in the 
distance.  Examine it then climb the ladder up to reach the hallway.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                       Esthar                        |
         (0000S)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head forward and ride the elevator.  Wait 
|                              |  until it comes to a stop and then get ready 
| Ward Card.............._____ |  for another Laguna flashback.  Speak to the 
| Rosetta Stone.........._____ |  guard on the right, then the guard on the 
| Occult Fan IV.........._____ |  left, then the Moomba twice, then the guy on 
| Solomon Ring..........._____ |  the left and then the Moomba again.  After a 
| Combat King 004........_____ |  scene you'll need to fight your way through 
|                              |  a couple of battles.  After that ride the 
o------------------------------o  elevator.  Approach Dr. Odine three times 
                                  until he talks about the magazine.  After
the scene outside, save your game and go back in.  Grab the 'Weapons 
Mon, 1st' off the floor on the left then go down the elevator.  Fight the 
enemies here and then follow Dr. Odine out of the building.  When you arrive 
at the laboratory, sit down on the odd platform and ride it to the top.  
Through the door there's a battle and then examine the terminal on the right.  
Use the platform to go back where you came from and then head through the 
door.  After a scene you'll be in Esthar again, but with Squall this time.  
Before leaving the room, offer to play a game of cards with Dr. Odine, you can 
win the 'Ward Card' from him.  Leave the room and head right.  Ride the 
platform out of the building, now it's time to explore the enormous city of 
Esthar.  Head right a and sit down on the lift.  Have it take you to the 
entrance via the shopping area and get off at the shopping area.  Examine any 
one of these terminals and it will bring you up to a huge shop menu.

o-- Rinrin's Store - Pet Shop - ---------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| G-Potion....................200 Gil    G-Hi-Potion.................600 Gil |
| G-Returner..................500 Gil    Pet House..................1000 Gil |
| Amnesia Greens.............1000 Gil    HP-J Scroll..............10,000 Gil |
| Str-J Scroll.............10,000 Gil    Vit-J Scroll.............10,000 Gil |
| Mag-J Scroll.............10,000 Gil    Spr-J Scroll.............10,000 Gil |
| Pet Pals Vol.5.............1000 Gil    Pet Pals Vol.6.............1000 Gil |
|                                                                            |

o-- Cloud's Shop - Item Shop - ----------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Hi-Potion...................500 Gil    Phoenix Down................500 Gil |
| Eye Drops...................100 Gil    Soft........................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| Fuel.......................3000 Gil    Normal Ammo..................20 Gil |
| Shotgun Ammo.................40 Gil    Dark Ammo...................300 Gil |
| Fire Ammo...................500 Gil    G-Potion....................200 Gil |
| G-Hi-Potion.................600 Gil    G-Returner..................500 Gil |
|                                                                            |

o-- Johnny's Shp - Item Shop - ----------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Potion......................100 Gil    Hi-Potion...................500 Gil |
| Phoenix Down................500 Gil    Antidote....................100 Gil |
| Soft........................100 Gil    Eye Drops...................100 Gil |
| Echo Screen.................100 Gil    Holy Water..................100 Gil |
| Remedy.....................1000 Gil    Tent.......................1000 Gil |
| G-Potion....................200 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

o-- Don Juan's Shop - Junk Shop - -------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Revolver........100 Gil  (Squall)   M-Stone Piece....6  Screw............2 |
| Shear Trigger...200 Gil  (Squall)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Cutting Trigger.400 Gil  (Squall)   Mesmerize Blade..1  Screw............8 |
| Flame Saber.....600 Gil  (Squall)   Betrayal Sword...1  Turtle Shell.....0 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................4 |
| Twin Lance......800 Gil  (Squall)   Dino Bone........1  Red Fang.........2 |
|                                     Screw.............  ................12 |
| Punishment.....1000 Gil  (Squall)   Chef's Knife.....1  Star Fragment....2 |
|                                     Turtle Shell.....1  Screw............8 |
| Lion Heart.....2000 Gil  (Squall)   Adamantine.......1  Dragon Fang......4 |
|                                     Pulse Ammo........  ................12 |
| Metal Knuckle...100 Gil  (Zell)     Fish Fin.........1  M-Stone Piece....4 |
| Maverick........200 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Fin.......1  Spider Web.......1 |
| Gauntlet........400 Gil  (Zell)     Dragon Skin......1  Fury Fragment....1 |
| Ehrgeiz.........800 Gil  (Zell)     Adamantine.......1  Dragon Skin......4 |
|                                     Fury Fragment.....  .................1 |
| Valiant.........100 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......1  Screw............4 |
| Ulysses.........200 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......1  Bomb Fragment....1 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................2 |
| Bismarck........400 Gil  (Irvine)   Steel Pipe.......2  Dynamo Stone.....4 |
|                                     Screw.............  .................8 |
| Exeter..........800 Gil  (Irvine)   Dino Bone........2  Moon Stone.......1 |
|                                     Star Fragment....2  Screw...........18 |
| Chain Whip......100 Gil  (Quistis)  M-Stone Piece....2  Spider Web.......1 |
| Slaying Tail....200 Gil  (Quistis)  Magic Stone......2  Sharp Spike......1 |
| Red Scorpion....400 Gil  (Quistis)  Ochu Tentacle....2  Dragon Skin......2 |
| Save the Queen..800 Gil  (Quistis)  Malboro Tentacle.2  Sharp Spike......4 |
|                                     Energy Crystal....  .................4 |
| Pinwheel........100 Gil  (Rinoa)    M-Stone Piece.....  .................3 |
| Valkyrie........200 Gil  (Rinoa)    Shear Feather....1  Magic Stone......1 |
| Rising Sun......400 Gil  (Rinoa)    Saw Blade........1  Screw............8 |
| Cardinal........800 Gil  (Rinoa)    Cockatrice Pinion1  Mesmerize Blade..1 |
|                                     Sharp Spike.......  .................1 |
| Shooting Star..1000 Gil  (Rinoa)    Windmill.........2  Regen Ring.......1 |
|                                     Force Armlet.....1  Energy Crystal...2 |
| Flail...........100 Gil  (Selphie)  M-Stone Piece....2  Bomb Fragment....1 |
| Morning Star....200 Gil  (Selphie)  Steel Orb........2  Sharp Spike......2 |
| Crescent Wish...400 Gil  (Selphie)  Inferno Fang.....1  Life Ring........1 |
|                                     Sharp Spike.......  .................4 |
| Strange Vision..800 Gil  (Selphie)  Adamantine.......1  Star Fragment....3 |
|                                     Curse Spike.......  .................2 |
|                                                                            |

o-- Karen's Store - Book Store - --------------------------------------------o
|                                                                            |
| Weapons Mon Mar............1000 Gil    Weapons Mon Apr............1000 Gil |
| Weapons Mon May............1000 Gil    Weapons Mon Jun............1000 Gil |
| Weapons Mon Jul............1000 Gil    Weapons Mon Aug............1000 Gil |
| Combat King 001............1000 Gil    Combat King 002............1000 Gil |
| Combat King 003............1000 Gil    Pet Pals Vol.1.............1000 Gil |
| Pet Pals Vol.2.............1000 Gil                                        |
|                                                                            |

To get into Johnny's Shop you might have to try a few times until they're 
actually open.  Cheryl's Store will never be open but keep trying over and 
over again anyway, eventually you'll get a "Here you go" message and receive 
the ultra-rare 'Rosetta Stone.'  It's possible to get some less impressive 
items from the other stores as well.  There's a couple of things to do now.  
From the city entrance which is just down from the shopping area, go left.  
When you come to one of the transport platforms, sit down on it and choose to 
go to the airstation.  Get off and speak to the white robed man labelled as 
the Presidential Aide.  Sit back down on the platform and ride it to the 
presidential palace.  When you get off, go right one screen and enter the 
palace.  Speak to the person in front of the door where you first came from, 
after talking to them the person will walk away and you can pick up the 
'Occult Fan IV' off the ground where they were standing.  Leave the palace now 
and go left.  Head left past the platform and then go right when you come to 
the next fork.  Proceed one screen to the right and you'll find yourself on a 
walkway high above the other path.  There's a lone Esthar soldier standing 
stationary on this walkway, speak to him (the effect will come into play 
later.)  Continue right until you come to another transport platform, ride it 
to the city entrance and rent a car there when you go down (you can rent a car 
by examining the terminal beside the elevator.)  Leave the city and drive 
Northeast.  Beefore going anywhere else, try to find something which looks 
quite circular, it's further South than all of the other three locations 
around the Southeastern side of the continent, however to get there you have 
to go around the top past the other destinations.  This place is called 
Tears' Point.  Run down the path toward the middle where you will find the 
'Solomon Ring.'  Notice that you cannot use the Solomon Ring in your 
inventory.  Well get yourself six Steel Pipes, six Malboro Tentacles and six 
Remedy+ and try to use the ring.  You'll automatically acquire the new 
Guardian Force, Doomtrain.  Leave Tears' Point and head for the large 
structure to the North that has a huge sloped ramp going off of it.  When you 
arrive at the Lunar Gate head inside and speak to the man inside.  After 
everything is set form your new party lead by Zell and return to Esthar.

Ride the transport platform at the entrance to the Presidential Palace.  When 
it asks if you want to get off at the Innter Skyway, agree.  Head left for two 
screens to find that lone Esthar soldier once again.  Speak to him and another 
soldier comes running by.  Speak to the other soldier when he stops to get the 
'Combat King 004.'  Now find another transport and ride it to Odine's 
Laboratory.  Use the platform just inside the laboratory to get to the top.  
After listening to Odine speak you now know of three contact points, but 
you'll only need the first.  Use the initial five minutes to leave Odine's lab 
and make your way to the contact point.  Make a right when you leave to reach 
the city entrance.  Head up from the entrance to reach the inner skyway and 
then make a left.  Head left from here and you'll already be at your 
destination, one screen right of where the lone Esthar soldier was standing 
before.  Remember the thing won't actually show up until 15:00 so you might 
have to wait.  Defeat the enemies when the thing appears before the timer hits 
12:00 and you'll be able to get on board.  If you happen to miss it for 
whatever reason, the second contact point is a couple screen up then left of 
the shopping area while the last one is right above the shopping area.  (The 
shopping area is one screen right of the main entrance, which is two screens 
right of Odine's laboratory.)  Jump onto the Lunatic Pandora from any of them.
When you arrive on the Lunatic Pandora take the left elevator.  Follow the 
path then go up at the fork.  Watch the scene here and that's about it.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                     Lunar Base                      |
         (0000T)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Back as Squall once again, when you find 
|                              |  yourself on the Lunar Base talk to the man 
| Alexander Card........._____ |  in the white coat.  Try to exit the left 
| Laguna Card............_____ |  side of the screen to get Rinoa on your 
|                              |  back.  Follow them into the room.  Save your 
o------------------------------o  game here and then ask Piet to play cards, 
                                  the guy in the white suit.  You can win the 
'Alexander Card' from him however it is extremely hard given that just about 
every possible card game rule ever designed is in effect up here on the Lunar 
Base.  Be absolutely sure you save first.  Go into the room and set Rinoa 
down, now leave and head upstairs.  At the end of the hall you will find 
Ellone sitting there, before you even talk to her, play cards with her.  From 
Ellone you can win the 'Laguna Card.'  When she's in your party, climb down 
the stairs and head up to the control room.  After the scene, try to approach 
Rinoa, then return to the control room.  Another scene here.  Leave the 
control room and head upstairs.  watch the scene in the hall, then go right, 
through the door past the corpse on the ground.  Examine the door on the left, 
then get yourself a space suit and leave the room as well.  Float after Rinoa 
outside, but you won't be able to make it in time.  Return back into the Lunar 
Base and check the control room.  Speak to everyone there to trigger a scene.  
Follow them right to reach the escape pod.  After all the scenes are over 
there's kind of a minigame you need to partake in.  It's quite simple, if 
Rinoa is at the lower left corner of your screen, hold the analog stick down 
and left to very slowly move toward her.  Note that you can hold the triangle 
button to move faster, but you don't have an infinite amount of fuel, it's 
best to save this for near the end.  Your goal is to get her as close to the 
centre of the screen before the time runs out, if you fail you can try again.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                     Ragnarok                        |
         (0000U)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Use the save point right beside you when you 
|                              |  start, then go through the door.  After 
| None...................... / |  seeing the monster, get yourself prepared 
|                              |  for battle and head down the stairs on the 
o------------------------------o  right.  The ship is populated by monsters 
                                  called Propagators.  Propagators come in a 
variety of colours however there are only two of each colour and they must be 
defeated in pairs.  This means that if you defeat the purple Propagator, you 
must next defeat the other purple Propagator to keep them from reappearing.  
If you defeat a purple Propagator and then a yellow Propagator, the purple one 
will respawn since you didn't kill the other purple one immediately after.  
Anyway, descend the stairs and fight the first purple Propagator.  

| Propagator              | Level: 22        | Hit Points: 3200/3200         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A monster living in the       |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Spaceship Ragnarok.  Very     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | violent in nature, it         |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | attacks anything that moves   |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     | inside the ship.              |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The Propagator really only has three attacks.  First and most common is a  |
| single physical attack for about 700 damage without any massive Vitality   |
| junctions.  Assuming you feel like using the time for it, casting the      |
| Protect (and Shell) spells will seriously increase your chances of         |
| victory.  The Propagator's second attack is the Thundaga spell, junction   |
| Thundaga to your Elem-Def to either negate or absorbs the damage from      |
| this, no problem.  Lastly the Propagator likes to use negative status      |
| ailments.  Silence and Blind are the two it chooses.  Ironically both      |
| of these spells work on the Propagator as well, while Silenced it cannot   |
| cast Thundaga, Silence or Blind, and when under the Darkness status, it    |
| can barely attack.  This will leave you free to do whatever you want,      |
| but its HP total is quite low, by now you should have a powerful spell     |
| like Quake or Tornado junctioned to Squall's strength, and with that you   |
| will be able to take out all the Propagators without much of a hassle.     |
|                                                                            |

Notice there are two doors at the back of this room, a large red one and a 
small gray one.  Take the large red door.  Immediately when you enter the next 
hall a red Propagator will charge at you.  You will easily have enough time to 
run quickly to the door on the left side of the hall and avoid the red 
Propagator.  If you hesitate just return to the previous room and try again, 
the red Propagator will always start at the far end of the hall.  In the room 
on the left is the second purple Propagator, assuming the first one is still 
dead, kill this one and they will be gone forever.  The next one is easy, go 
back into the previous hall and defeat the red Propagator.  You'll find the 
second red Propagator if you try to return to the save point where you first 
entered the ship, it's up on the walkway above the first purple Propagator.  
Keep going down from that second red Propagator toward the entrance and you'll 
find a yellow Propagator.  Defeat it (save your game perhaps) then go back 
downstairs.  Head up through the large red door past the dead purple 
Propagator, then left and left again.  When you see the green Propagator don't 
fight it, instead go thorugh the door on the left.  When the second yellow 
Propagator has been defeated then you can fight that green one you just 
passed.  The second green and final Propagator can be found in the following 
location:  from the first purple Propagator I mentioned there were two doors 
at the top of the room, well take the smaller gray door on the upper right 
this time to find the second green Propagator.  If you remember where you 
found the first green Propagator, standing on that platform between the two 
doors, that's your destination.  Ride the elevator up and watch the scene.  
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                   Preparations                      |
         (0000V)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head up to the room in the Ragnarok beside 
|                              |  the elevator platform.  After the scene, 
| Squall Card............_____ |  leave the room and go up to elevator to the 
|                              |  bridge.  Fly the Ragnarok to the Eastern 
o------------------------------o  continent and find the Sorceress Memorial 
                                  just North of Tears' Point.  Go inside and 
well... rescue Rinoa.  After this you need to fly the Ragnarok back to Edea's 
house.  Follow Angelo left when you get inside.  After the scene, it's once 
again time for another trip.  Back to Esthar's Presidential Palace with you, 
to save time you can simply dock the airship at the Airstation around the 
middle rather than landing on the ground and walking in manually.  Head for 
the Presidential Palace and ride the transport up.  Go all the way left, then 
watch the scene.  Once all this is over you'll have control of the Ragnarok 
again on the world map.  Press circle to enter the ship, go down the elevator 
and talk to Laguna.  Play cards with him and you can win the 'Squall Card.'  
With that, it's time to prepare for the end of the game.  Any sidequests you 
wish to do should be done now.  Check out the sidequests section for some of 
those.  When you're ready to proceed toward the end of the game, head for 
Tears' Point and the Lunatic Pandora.  Keep in mind that you can still leave 
the Lunatic Pandora, but after the Lunatic Pandora you will be taken to the 
final dungeon from which many sidequests are no longer available, so if you go 
into the Lunatic Pandora and still want to do stuff again, don't finish it.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                  Lunatic Pandora                    |
         (0000W)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Leave the Ragnarok and board the Lunatic 
|                              |  Pandora.  Almost immediately you'll face off 
| Combat King 005........_____ |  against Fujin and Raijin, perhaps for the 
|                              |  final time, but we'll have to see.

| Fujin                   | Level: 18        | Hit Points: 10,400/10,400     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Assisting Seifer inside       |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Lunatic Pandora.  Uses        |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | support magic as well as      |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | attack magic.                 |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Raijin                  | Level: 26        | Hit Points: 15,400/15,400     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Works with Fujin and Seifer.  |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Absorbs | Still relies on his strength  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | but can now use support       |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | magic as well.                |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Yet another battle against these two, some things never change, and two of |
| those things happen to be their basic attacks and susceptibility to        |
| status attacks.  Raijin focuses mainly on physical attacks like usual, it  |
| is Fujin who has changed quite a bit, she now has two powerful attacks.    |
| The first of the two is the ability to knock a single character down to    |
| one hit point.  Draw-cast Curaga after this happens to stay alive.  The    |
| second is the powerful Meteor spell which hits a fair number of times for  |
| low damage.  Kill Fujin first since she likely has lower HP anyway, then   |
| use whatever remaining power you have left to eliminate Raijin.  Not a lot |
| has changed since the previous battle so whatever strategies worked then   |
| likely still work now.  Just remember to hit with status effects and your  |
| most powerful physical attacks, neither of them will last very long        |
|                                                                            |

Head up and speak to the two soldiers, then enter the tube.  Take the forking 
path when you reach it and follow it until you reach elevator three.  To the 
lower right of the elevator is a set of stairs and a ladder.  Go down the 
ladder and right, inside this area press X to find a LuvLuv G item.  Note that 
this is only here if you found the Old Keys with Laguna.  Head left to the 
next screen.  About one screen after that you will find the 'Combat King 005' 
on the ground assuming you did everything with Laguna.  There's also a draw 
point for Ultima at the top of this screen.  Climb back up the ladder and take 
elevator number three down, then from there go left and take elevator number 
one.  This path leads straight up past a save point to the boss.

| Mobile Type 8           | Level: 18        | Hit Points: 35,400/35,400     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Its beam and laser attacks    |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..Weak    | go far beyond the damage of   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | any modern weapons.           |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Immune  |                               |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Left Probe              | Level: 26        | Hit Points: 7600/7600         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Mobile Type 8's left          |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..Weak    | shoulder.  Acts on its own as |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | a machine.  Has auto-recovery |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Immune  | and attack functions.         |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......High      | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Right Probe             | Level: 26        | Hit Points: 7600/7600         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Mobile Type 8's right         |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..Weak    | shoulder.  Acts on its own as |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | a machine.  Has auto-recovery |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Immune  | and attack functions.         |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......High      | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| There are three parts to this boss, the main core along with a left and    |
| a right probe that serve as the boss' shoulders.  The probes can attach    |
| and come off at will, depending on whether they are attached or not        |
| the boss' attack pattern will change.  The battle starts with the two      |
| probes attacked.  In this state the boss can do little more than two       |
| things, a normal physical attack and another attack called Dual Homing     |
| Laser which deals moderate damage (less than 1000) to a single member but  |
| it's only a counterattack so you won't be seeing it if you aren't          |
| attacking.  After awhile when the boss decides to let go of the probes,    |
| it usually launches the Corona attack at this point which can be           |
| extremely devastating.  Corona hits every member of your party and         |
| automatically drops their HP down to one.  During the time the boss is     |
| in this state basically all that will hapen is the two probes will use     |
| physical attacks for very low amounts of damage.  Before going back into   |
| the normal state again, the boss likes to use the Medigo Flame which       |
| hits your party for more than 1500 damage each person in your party.       |
| To defeat the boss quickly, ignore the probes all the time, their defense  |
| is through the roof anyway.  What you want to do is junction a good        |
| masgic spell to Squall's strength, then junction 100 of the Thundaga       |
| spell to his elemental attack so you can exploit the boss' weakness.       |
| Hopefully at this point you will be able to deal 9999 in a single hit,     |
| perhaps not but at least it will be enough to take him out.  As a backup   |
| always have Quezacotl ready to summon, it will come in handy here.         |
|                                                                            |

| Seifer                  | Level: 26        | Hit Points: 21,200/21,200     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | To retain his pride as        |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Sorceress' Knight, he is      |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | determined to win.  His       |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....N/A     | skills are even more deadly.  |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| If you've got Odin already, then you'll be treated to a little scene at    |
| the beginning of the battle.  Now it's time to take on Seifer yourself.    |
| This battle isn't actually meant to be that difficult, basically it's      |
| just a battle of physical brawn, and you should be the victor.  Your       |
| attacks won't be as powerful as normal due to his high physical defense,   |
| but if you were to junction Bio to your Elem-Atk I can only imagine it     |
| would really help out.  Again, Seifer just chops you up with his sword     |
| for mediocre damage, with Leviathan's recover ability and perhaps one      |
| or two Vit+20%/40%/60% abilities and Curaga junctioned to Vit, you're      |
| next to invincible.  When you're dealt enough damage, and if you saw the   |
| Odin scene at the beginning, there's another scene at the end of battle.   |
|                                                                            |

Gilgamesh will replace Odin here if you had Odin at this point, Gilgamesh 
attacks with four different types of attacks unlike Odin's one.  After 
switching over to disc four, head down and save your game.  Now go back to 
where you fought Mobile Type 8 just above you and cross the bridge thing to 
the right, climb the first ladder then go up the sloped thing and head right 
at the top.  From here's it's just a linear path leading to Sorceress Adel.

| Adel                    | Level: 21        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | Esthar's ruler before Laguna  |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | and company confined her.     |
| Dexterity.....Moderate  | Water....N/A     | Released by Ultimecia and     |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....N/A     | gaining strength.             |
| Spirit........Moderate  | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Absorbs |                               |
| Rinoa                   | Level: 31        | Hit Points: 7581/7581         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Rinoa being Junctioned by     |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | Adel.  Immobile because Adel  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | is absorbing her powers.      |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | Can be released by defeating  |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     | Adel.                         |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| You finally get to do battle with the evil tyrannous ruler of Esthar in    |
| the days of old.  There's a twist to this battle however, there are two    |
| enemies and one of them is Rinoa.  If Rinoa is killed during the course    |
| of this battle then the game is over.  You need to focus only on Adel      |
| while keeping Rinoa alive.  This becomes somewhat difficult because Adel   |
| will absorbs some HP from Rinoa prior to every one of her attacks.  For    |
| this reason it's important to have Leviathan's Recover ability handy or    |
| anything similar to that because you need to heal Rinoa quite often.       |
| Adel has three main attacks.  The two weaker spells are Flare and Energy   |
| Bomber, these will deal around 800 damage to a single character.  Far      |
| more powerful is the Meteor spell which as you are probably already aware  |
| of hits randomly and deals a moderate amount of damage.  Assuming you      |
| can just keep healing Rinoa and yourself between this you should be okay.  |
| In fact the best thing to do is just draw-cast the Regen spell from Rinoa, |
| on Rinoa.  This should keep her gaining HP just about fast enough to       |
| negate all the drain.  After awhile Adel will start charging magical       |
| energy and skip a few of her turns.  This is a great time to really go     |
| on the offensive and try to end the battle, because after she's done       |
| charging she'll let off the Ultima spell.  It's not the most devastating   |
| thing you've ever faced but it will deal around 2000 damage to your entire |
| party so if you aren't prepped for it then it could easily end the battle. |
| When it comes to damaging Adel, you can't really use Guardian Forces at    |
| all since they target all enemies, which at this point still includes      |
| Rinoa.  Obviously physical attacks are preferable.  Limit breaks are iffy  |
| depending on who is using them.  I did not come across this particular     |
| circumstance, but I imagine that if Squall ended his Renzokuken with a     |
| finishing move like Blasting Zone, it could possibly spell the end of      |
| Rinoa, be careful with things like that.  Adel has a weakness to Wind so   |
| perhaps junctioning Tornado to your Elem-Atk before battle would be a      |
| good idea here.  Before the battle is over try to Mug the Samantha Soul    |
| item from Adel.  Also note that it is indeed possibly to mug from Rinoa,   |
| she's holding a number of Megalixir items, so if you want them...          |
|                                                                            |
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                  Time Compression                   |
         (0000X)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Use the save point to save your game, 
|                              |  remember you will probably want to save 
| None...................... / |  on a separate file if you will want to have 
|                              |  a chance to go around, explore the world and 
o------------------------------o  do sidequests.  You're technically past the 
                                  point of no return for most of them.  Head 
toward the door at the top.  Prepare for a number of battles against really 
similar enemies which should be no problem to defeat.  After the battle go 
through Edea;s house and watch the scene when you come out the back.  Continue 
up and begin to cross the large chain.  You can jump into those portals to 
return to the real world, but I warn you, it's not like it used to be.  Towns 
are inaccessible and basically everything just sucks.  Keep going across the 
chain to reach Ultimecia's Castle, your final destination.
|__ inal Fantasy VIII  /-----------------------------------------------------o
|  ---------o----------\                 Ultimecia's Castle                  |
         (0000Y)        \----------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Divide into two parties and get ready to 
|                              |  enter the castle.  Once inside turn aorund 
| Prison Key............._____ |  immediately and use the save point outside 
| Armory Key............._____ |  the door.  Note that while in the castle all 
| Treasure Vault Key....._____ |  of your commands are sealed besides attack.  
| Floodgate Key.........._____ |  Each time you defeat a boss one of the seals 
| Rosetta Stone.........._____ |  (of your choice) will be broken, so let's 
|                              |  get moving.  Note that you will have to 
o------------------------------o  fight one boss for each of the eight seals 
                                  you wish to break.  Many of these bosses 
will carry Guardian Forces you may have missed out on drawing during the main 
game.  Specifically I'm talking about Siren from Elvoret, Leviathan from NORG, 
Pandemona from Fujin, Alexander from Edea and possibly Eden from Ultima Weapon 
though I'm not sure about that last one.  Anyway, using your default party 
head up the stairs ahead of you and prepare for a boss fight.

| Sphinxara               | Level: ??        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | ???????????????????           |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | ???????????????????           |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     |                               |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     |                               |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
| Sphinxaur               | Level: ??        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | ????????????????????          |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | ????????????????????          |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     |                               |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     |                               |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| This will be your initial fight without any abilities at all so obviously  |
| they don't make it very hard.  Sphinxara only really uses three attacks,   |
| those are the three primary spells Firaga, Thundaga and Blizzaga.  While   |
| you don't have any abilities, you can still junction magic and have the    |
| effects apply in battle, meaning that if you junction one hundred Firagas, |
| Thundagas, and Blizzagas you'll be practically invincible.  The same       |
| applies to junctioning just the Flare spell to your Elem-Def.  After the   |
| boss has taken a certain amount of damage it will drop its mask and        |
| change attack patterns.  A new ability called Magic Summon allows the      |
| boss to summon a single enemy into the battle to fight with it.  It seems  |
| like every time you kill the enemy the boss will just summon a stronger    |
| one, so ignore the enemy and focus and the Sphinx.  The only other thing   |
| you need to worry about in this form is the Doom spell which will put a    |
| timer above your character's head and count down until they eventually     |
| die.  Obviously you don't have a lot of options in this battle... attack!  |
| Or perhaps the only other choice would be... Mug!  Either way you're just  |
| smashing the boss over and over again with your weapon, simply junctioning |
| a decent spell to your strength is all you need to get through this fight. |
|                                                                            |

When the Sphinx is defeated simply head straight up through the door.  Step on 
the light fixture and it will fall to the room below.  In the middle of the 
room is a hatch in the floor, go down through it to find the next boss.

| Tri-Point               | Level: 21        | Hit Points: 10,400/10,400     |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....Weak?   |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......Weak?   | A living weapon Ultimecia     |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..Absorbs | made out of a dragon.  Fire   |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | or ice magic are a weak point |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Immune  | but they change when attacked |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Just as its description says, the Tri-Point has a shifting elemental       |
| weakness between fire and ice.  The easiest way to exploit this is not     |
| to exploit it at all, Tri-Point's HP total is so low that all you really   |
| need are non-elemental physical attacks anyway.  Tri-Point has three basic |
| attacks, a normal physical attack so weak that it will make you say        |
| "Damn... that's weak."  The next is even more pathetic, not only will      |
| Tri-Point Scan one of your characters, after a couple of turns it might    |
| just Scan that same character again.  To balance this weakness Tri-Point   |
| has a very powerful attack called Onrush capable of dealing over 2000      |
| damage to a single person.  As for attacking Tri-Point, like I said,       |
| physical attacks work great but there's something you have to watch out    |
| for.  Make sure your whole party is junctioned to the maximum with         |
| Thunder elemental magic.  Tri-Point will counter every single attack with  |
| the Mega-Spark which hits everyone in your party for about 3000 thunder    |
| elemental damage, you can see why you would want to protect against it.    |
|                                                                            |

Well that's your second unsealed ability.  Climb the stairs back up to the 
previous room and step on the green circle thingy on the right side, this will 
allow you to depress the lever.  Now switch to the other party and cross the 
light fixture which won't fall this time, a boss waits on the other side.

| Krysta                  | Level: 14        | Hit Points: 7800/7800         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......Immune  | Born of a jewel in            |
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..N/A     | Ultemecia's Caslte.  Responds |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | quickly to attacks,           |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....Immune  | counter-attacks immediately.  |
| Spirit........Very Low  | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Krysta is a large crystalline entity with an enormous resistance to        |
| physical attacks, so much so that they are almost ineffective.  Krysta's   |
| only real attack, at least the only one that I saw, is a very weak         |
| physical claw attack.  The way Krysta really kills your party is in the    |
| counterattack which deals 1000 damage or so to a single character and      |
| the counterattack occurs every single time Krysta takes damage without     |
| fail, even with magic.  The one exception is that when you summon a        |
| Guardian Force, Krysta will not counterattack.  Consider that summoning a  |
| GF will get you through physical defense and avoid counterattack, it's     |
| certainly a good way to defeat this boss.  I avoid saying the best way,    |
| because it isn't.  Krysta's HP total is low compared to most bosses, you   |
| should still have at least one character with a strong physical attack     |
| since you needed it at least for the first boss.  Simply cast the          |
| Meltdown spell on Krysta to reduce its defense to 0, and smash the thing.  |
| Be sure you keep a decent amount of HP with your party, once defeated      |
| Krysta will always end the battle with the Ultima spell, which will hit    |
| your entire party for about 2000 and can end the game even though you won. |
|                                                                            |

With your second party return to where you fought the Sphinx and head right.  
This will eventually lead you down past a green circle and into a room with 
paintings along each wall.  What you need to do is examine every single 
painting in the room.  There are twelve total.  The first two "IGNUS (Fire)" 
and "INANDANTIA (Flood)" are on the left and right side of the door at the top 
of the screen.  Another is slightly further right of that "JUDICIUM 
(Judgment)."  Check the bottom right side of the screen for "INTERVIGILIUM 
(Sleep)."  At the top of the stairs from right to left, there is "VIVIDARIUM 
(Garden)," "VIGIL (Watchman)," "VIATOR (Messenger)," "VENUS (Love)," "XIPHIAS 
(Swordfish)," "XERAMPELINAE (Red Clothes)," "XYSTUS (Tree-lined Road)," and  
"INAUDAX (Cowardice)."  Now examine the large painting on the wall downstairs 
on the left side.  If it doesn't prompt you to input the titles then you 
didn't examine all the paintings.  If you wish to try and solve this puzzle on 
your own, head up the stairs and make a right.  At the end of the walkway you 
can get a good view of the clock in the floor down below, that's the clue.  If 
you can;'t figure it out from there then read the answer that follows this 
sentence:  Input the three choices in this order, VIVIDARIUM - INTERVIGILIUM - 
VIATOR.  This will be the correct solution and trigger a boss fight.

| Trauma                  | Level: 10        | Hit points: 10,125/10,125     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Ultimecia gave partial life   |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | to this weapon of the future. |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Pulse Cannon destroys any     |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Immune  | enemies in its way.           |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Droma                   | Level: 10        | Hit Points: 1150/1150         |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Born from Trauma, a small     |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | support machine.  Despite     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | its small size, uses Pulse    |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Immune  | Cannon just like Trauma.      |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Similar to Krysta, Trauma has an incredibly high physical defense stat.    |
| Like the other boss it may be a good idea to cast the Meltdown spell and   |
| reduce his defense down to the bare minimum.  Two great ways to win this   |
| battle are either boosting and summoning the Pandemona Guardian Force      |
| which will exploit his weakness to wind magic, or simply junctioning       |
| Tornado to your Elem-Atk (requires casting Meldown of course, unless       |
| your attack is high enough so that it just doesn't matter.  Trauma         |
| has a couple attacks of his own, a physical attack that isn't even worth   |
| mentioning due to its weakness, and another attack called the Mega         |
| Pulse Cannon which is no pushover.  The Mega Pulse Cannon doesn't          |
| quite live up to its name, but you'll be facing about 1000-1500 damage     |
| each time it connects.  To try and balance out the numbers, Trauma likes   |
| to use its special abilities and create little drones for itself called    |
| Dromas.  These are pretty much just copies of Trauma with the same         |
| attacks that deal about a quarter as much damage (and the name of the      |
| Mega Pulse Cannon changes to the Mini Pulse Cannon).  They can be taken    |
| out with little effort and that's about all there is to the battle.        |
|                                                                            |

Head straight up from where you fought Trauma and down the stairs past the 
green circle on the ground.  Proceed through the door on the left and grab the 
'Prison Key.'  Doing so will trigger yet another boss battle.

| Red Giant               | Level: 10        | Hit Points: 30,000/30,000     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A giant machine powered by    |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | magic.  Its high defense      |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | power makes it difficult to   |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....N/A     | damage except with magic      |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     | or a GF.                      |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Once again you're facing off against a boss with a sky high physical       |
| defense stat, I doubt I have to tell you the importance of either          |
| casting the Meltdown spell of summoning the Doomtrain Guardian Force,      |
| both have the same effect.  Actually I recommend Doomtrain specifically    |
| here because the boss is vulnerable to the Darkness status ailment and     |
| since he relies mostly on physical attacks this will really help you       |
| out in the battle.  His physical attacks aren't too much to worry about.   |
| The normal attack and the Gigantic Sword attack deal approximately the     |
| same amount of damage, the difference is that the Gigantic Sword attack    |
| hits your entire party.  When in the Darkness status, the Red Giant can    |
| barely hit you anyway, so pick away at him with attacks and magic spells.  |
|                                                                            |

Use the key to leave the room and go back to the most recent green circle.  
Switch to your other party who should still be in the chandelier room.  Have 
them go up through the door, past the fountain, up the stairs inside the 
building and they should be on a bridge.  There's an item at the end of the 
bridge.  Walk (don't run) over to get the 'Armory Key.'  Return to the green 
circle and switch to your other party.  Have them go back downstairs where the 
prison cells are.  If the key happened to fall off the bridge because you 
decided to run instead of walk (what the hell were you thinking?) you'll find 
it in the water down here.  Grab the key and open the door on the right side.

| Gargantua               | Level: 14        | Hit Points: 11,400/11,400     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | A large monster, but it       |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | mainly uses magic to attack.  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | Physical attacks anger it,    |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....N/A     | and it may counterattack.     |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Vysage                  | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 3576/3576         |
| Hit Points....High      | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A monster shaped like a face. |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | Uses support magic and        |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | special attacks when          |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....N/A     | attacking with Righty and     |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     | Lefty together.               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
| Lefty                   | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 2184/2184         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Very Low  | Ice......N/A     | A large left hand protruding  |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | from the Earth.  At higher    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | levels, sometimes cures       |
| Defense.......Very Low  | Earth....N/A     | party members with status     |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     | abnormalities.                |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
| Righty                  | Level: 12        | Hit Points: 2184/2184         |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | A large right hand protruding |
| Intelligence..Low       | Thunder..N/A     | from the earth.  Can't use    |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | magic.  Uses its strength to  |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....N/A     | attack with force.            |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| This battle starts out as just a fight against a normal Vysage, the        |
| same kind you would fight anywhere else.  After defeating the three        |
| parts of the Vysage the true boss appears, the full form of the Vysage,    |
| the Gargantua.  Gargantua can be pretty nasty, causing both the Curse      |
| and Berserk status effects on any members of your party.  It will probably |
| be a good idea to junction Esuna to your St-Def and other such spells      |
| that protect you from various different ailments.  It will come as no      |
| surprise that once again this boss' defense power is quite high.           |
| Use Meltdown or Doomtrain and then start attacking, but note that the      |
| boss will almost always counterattack with the Counter Twist dealing       |
| over 1000 damage to whoever attacked.  When not counterattacking the       |
| Gargantua is likely using the Evil-Eye which can deal damage as well as    |
| inflict curse.  The fight can get nasty so have people ready with Siren's  |
| special ability Treatment, hopefully you've unlocked their use by now.     |
|                                                                            |

Only two bosses remain at this point, but let's start with Catoblepas shall 
we.  In order to reach this boss, switch over to your original party.  Have 
them go up one screen and examine the fountain to get a 'Treasure Vault Key.'  
Return to the very first room of the castle, this might be a good time to 
leave the castle and save your game.  Having both your parties start over at 
the beginning isn't too bad at this point, neither of them are really 
positioned anywhere special anyway.  Climb the stairs in the front hall and go 
left at the top.  Descend these rounded stairs and go through the door past 
the green circle.  In the somewhat slanted hall there is a door on the left 
side, use the key you found in the fountain then go inside.  There are four 
boxes in this room.  You need to get them all open to trigger the boss fight.  
The first box changes the state of the first and second.  The second box 
changes the state of the first, second and third.  The third box changes the 
state of the second, third and fourth.  The fourth box changes the state of 
the third and fourth boxes.  To trigger the boss fight do the following:  
Examine the fourth box, the second box, the first boxand the third box.

| Catoblepas              | Level: 21        | Hit Points: 20,500/20,500     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Low       | Ice......N/A     | Uses magic as well as         |
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..Absorbs | physical attacks.  Its skill  |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....Weak    | with Thunder magic allows it  |
| Defense.......Low       | Earth....Weak    | to increase damage.           |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Catoblepas is no pushover like someof the other bosses have been to        |
| be honest, but there are ways to make this battle manageable and even      |
| easy to an extent.  To make it easy all you have to do is junction 100     |
| of the Thundaga spell to your Elem-Def.  You might even want to junction   |
| some more Thunder magic to simplify things further.  Catoblepas' most      |
| common attack by far is the Thundaga spell, and if you're gaining HP       |
| each time it is being cast then you really have an advantage here.         |
| Things that will still deal damage are the boss' weak normal attack        |
| and the rather aptly named "Deadly Horn" which can easily do more than     |
| 1000 damage to a single party member.  The most powerful attack that       |
| Catoblepas will use is the summon spell which is somewhat similar to       |
| Quezacotl, the good news is that it is indeed thunder elemental so you'll  |
| be healed close to 2000 HP if you've maxed out your thunder Elem-Def.      |
| For damaging the boss you can pretty much relax since you'll be healed     |
| so often and just focus on physical attacks each turn.  Things that        |
| exploit his weakness like junctioning the Water/Quake spell to your        |
| Elem-Atk or summoning Leviathan are always a good idea.  Assuming you      |
| are able to reach a state where the amount the boss heals you roughly      |
| equals the amount of damage you take, so that you can just stand around,   |
| then there's one other thing you will definitely want to do.  Sit there    |
| and draw-draw-draw until you have 100 of the Meteor spell, well worth it.  |
| Not only is the magic strong but its the second best overall junctioning   |
| spell in the game.  The last thing to note of course is that Catoblepas    |
| will use Meteor himself before dying after you're dealt the finishing      |
| blow, son't let your HP dip before killing the boss or you'll be sorry.    |
|                                                                            |

The next part is optional, but if you want to get a Rosetta Stone, then you 
should do it, the stone is quite worth it.  If your party for fighting 
Catoblepas contains at least two female characters then leave the room and 
head up.  You'll come to an elevator, stand on it and change to the other 
party.  If it doesn't contain at least two females, go back to the entrance 
and switch up so that it does.  You need to get a party with at least two 
females onto that lower elevator, it doesn't really matter how you do it 
(three females is most preferable.)  The reason for this is that the elevator 
is going to have to lift up, and the females weigh less than the males.  Now 
that you've got them on the lower elevator switch to the male party.  Have 
them head down the right path which eventually leads to the area with the 
stairs down to the prison.  Instead of going down, go up the stairs and 
through the door on the left.  It will lead past the save point to the upper 
elevator.  Switch to your other party and have them go left to find the 
'Floodgate Key' in the next room.  Switch back to your other party.  Have them 
return to the prison area once again.  Downstairs beside the door you entered 
to fight the Red Giant there is a switch where you can use the Floodgate Key.  
Remember to actually pull the lever after using the key.  Leave this area and 
return to the front hall.  Take the lower left door and go up past the 
fountain until you reach the tower.  There is an organ at the back of the room 
here.  Examine it and do the following, you need to slam down on every key at 
the same time.  Note that the start and select buttons are NOT INCLUDED.  If 
you slam them down as well you will perform a soft-reset and screw yourself 
up.  Return to the fountain one room below and take the upper right exit.  If 
there are poles still sticking up here then go back and try again to press all 
keys at once, if not the proceed through.  At the end of the waterway there is 
a 'Rosetta Stone' on the ground.  Now to proceed with the game, head back to 
the room with the organ and go upstairs.  Cross the bridge and go through the 
door on the left.  Begin climbing the spiral walkway.  When you see an object 
swinging back and forth in the middle, stand on the left side and press X to 
jump to it.  This leads to the final of the eight seal bosses.

| Tiamat                  | Level: 31        | Hit Points: 57,200/57,200     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Strong  |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......N/A     | Used to be a GF.  Became a    |
| Intelligence..High      | Thunder..Strong  | monster under Ultemecia's     |
| Dexterity.....Low       | Water....N/A     | power.  Its Dark Flare        |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....Immune  | destroys all enemies.         |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Immune  |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The Tiamat only has one single attack, its Dark Flare.  Tiamat can't just  |
| cast Dark Flare every single turn, instead it wastes most of its turns     |
| charging up the Dark Flare attack, during this time you're free to         |
| attack the boss all you want without risking yourself at all.  Each turn   |
| Tiamat will charge the attack by adding another letter to the Dark Flare   |
| until he actually uses it.  Each of these can be considered an attack so   |
| let's take a look at how they affect your party.  The "D" attack is        |
| quite weak, as is the "Da" attack that usually follows.  "Dar" is equally  |
| as weak as its two predecessors.  After "Dar" Tiamat will use an attack    |
| that just comes out of nowhere, the "Dark F" attack will catch most        |
| players by surprise who expected to see only a single letter added.        |
| Following this the new trend continues with the "Dark Fla" attack which    |
| still isn't very strong.  Tiamat then breaks the cycle of weak no-damage   |
| attacks with its "Dark Flare."  Dark Flare can deal anywhere from          |
| 2000-4000 damage to your entire party but here's the deal.  I'm not quite  |
| sure what element the attack is, but it's either fire, ice or thunder      |
| because for me Squall was immune to ech one of them, each time Tiamat      |
| use Dark Flare Squall would be healed for over 3000 HP making the battle   |
| physically impossible to lose short of attacking yourself.  Given this     |
| fact you can pretty much guarantee a win, with that take your time to      |
| draw any magic spells you want and finish off Tiamat with physicals.       |
|                                                                            |

Now that you've got all the seals broken it's time to consider taking on the 
hardest boss in the game, the optional superboss Omega Weapon.  Omega Weapon 
is totally optional and believe me when I tell you the rewards for beating him 
are garbage.  You get a "Proof of Omega" title in your menu and some crappy 
Three Stars item or something like that.  The only reason anyone should even 
try to defeat this boss is to say "Yeah... I kicked his ass."  Regardless, 
here's how to trigger the fight.  Return to the water fountain with the party 
you wish to use to take on Omega Weapon and switch to your secondary party.  
Have them SAVE THE GAME then go to the front hall and take the right path at 
the top of the stairs.  Down at the bottom of the rounded staircase before the 
painting room you might notice a wire hanging down on the left side of the 
screen.  Go to the lower left side of the room below the green circle and pull 
the wire.  When a timer appears at the top run to the green circle and switch 
to your other party.  Have them run up into the organ room to find...

| Omega Weapon            | Level: 100       | Hit Points: 1,000,000 (Approx)|
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....Absorbs |                               |
| Strength......Very High | Ice......Absorbs | Stronger than Ultima Weapon.  |
| Intelligence..Very High | Thunder..Absorbs | Omega Weapon is the           |
| Dexterity.....Moderate  | Water....Absorbs | strongest monster.  It's      |
| Defense.......Very High | Earth....Absorbs | bad luck to run into this     |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...Absorbs | monster.                      |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Absorbs |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Absorbs |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Welcome to the battle against the boss that is super-ultra-mega hard but   |
| certainly NOT impossible to defeat.  There are so many things you have     |
| to do in this battle I don't know where to start, I imagine it would be    |
| best to start with things to prepare before you actually start the         |
| battle itself.  Here's what you're going to need before going into battle  |
| starting basically with the most important, Squall's Lionheart weapon.     |
| With the Lionheart weapon Squall is capable of using the Lionheart limit   |
| break afer Renzokuken which will bring his damage up past the 100,000      |
| mark, very very important.  To get the Lionheart you'll need Pulse Ammo    |
| which can be refined through Ammo-RF with Energy Crystals I believe        |
| can be obtained (Rare Item dropped) from Red Dragons which are at a high   |
| level.  Laser Cannons (dropped by Mobile Type 8) will also refine into     |
| Pulse Ammo.  Next we have the other massive damage dealer in this battle,  |
| the Eden Guardian Force.  You'll need Eden to be as high a level as        |
| possible.  SumMag+10%/SumMag+20%/SumMag+30%/SumMag+40% are all a must      |
| as is the Boost ability.  (Just in case you still don't have a clue how,   |
| since I've heard people who don't know Boost actually does something and   |
| the game manual isn't clear, you boost Guardian Forces by holding select   |
| and tapping square.)  Eden can easily be boosted to 255% since it takes    |
| so long to cast.  Junction Eden on anyone but Squall since like I said,    |
| his limit break is by far the most important.  Next, if you're at level    |
| 100 or any other level divisible by five for any of your characters they   |
| will need 100 of the Death spell junctioned to their St-Def since Omega    |
| Weapon will cast LV5 Death during the battle.  Furthermore you'll need     |
| plenty of Aura magic most importantly, at least a couple Meldown spells    |
| (or Doomtrain, but keep in mind that heals Omega, not a big deal if you    |
| use it early.)  Squall should have 100 Ultima spells junctioned to         |
| strenth, or a weaker spell as long as his str stat is 255, junction        |
| abilities like Str+60% if need be.  As many people as possible should have |
| 100 Triples junctioned to speed as well.  Finally it's a very good idea    |
| to use a Phoenix Pinion in a fight before the battle if you haven't        |
| already.  Using a Phoenix Pinion will summon a Phoenix which revives your  |
| whole party.  In battles after that the Phoenix will randomly appear       |
| when everyone in your party dies giving you at least some chance to make   |
| a comeback if you happen to get game over.  Now there's something else     |
| that is rather important.  Omega Weapon has abilities that will totally    |
| annihilate your party no matter what you do, for this reason you need to   |
| bring any of the following items you have into battle:  Hero-trial, Hero,  |
| Holy War-trial, Holy War.  These items have the ability to make either     |
| one character or an entire party invincible temporarily.  For those of you |
| who are totally bent on leaving your card stock in tact, you're going to   |
| be in a lot of trouble.  There are the two Hero items you should have      |
| stolen from the battle with Seifer and perhaps some Hero-trials refined    |
| but beyond that, you'll have to hope the timing of these items will        |
| correspond with Omega's most powerful spells.  The smart thing to do of    |
| course is realize you're trying to beat Omega any way you can, there's no  |
| one to play cards with anyway in the Time Compressed world, and refine     |
| the Laguna card into 100 Heroes and the Gilgamesh card into 10 Holy Wars.  |
| Now you're getting somewhere.  (Laguna card is won from playing against    |
| Ellone and Gilgamesh is won from doing the CC Group sidequest.)  Lastly of |
| course, the usual suspects you should bring into the battle by common      |
| sense anyway: Revive ability, Recover ability, Auto-Haste ability,         |
| Full-Life spell and Curaga spell.  Now it's time to enter the battle.      |
| Begin the fight by doing exactly the following: have your first character  |
| cast the Meltdown spell on Mega Weapon, repeat this if the "defense equals |
| zero" status does not connect.  Have the next person cast the Aura spell   |
| on Squall and the last person use a Holy-War item to make your entire      |
| party invincible.  Next turn whoever has Eden junctioned should summon     |
| it, preferably with 1000 compatibility (compatibility is raised in battle  |
| by summoning the Guardian Force often, or using a LuvLuv G item, refine a  |
| bunch of them from the Chubby Chocobo card.)  Squall should definitely     |
| use Renzokuken on his next turn since you casted Aura on him, then hope    |
| and pray he ends it with Lionheart.  Note that you cannot cast Aura on     |
| someone under the effect of Hero or Holy-War so you need to wait till it   |
| wears off, cast Aura on Squall and use another Holy-War.  Omega Weapon's   |
| attacks are brutal of course. His physical deals thousands of damage to    |
| someone.  He can cast both Meteor and Ultima magic spells.  By far the     |
| most dangerous spell is the tetra Blast or whatever it's called, it hits   |
| your entire party for about 4000 damage like ten of fifteen times,         |
| not possible to survive which is why you need those Heroes and Holy Wars.  |
| That's the basic strategy, you get the idea, it's putting it into practice |
| that's difficult, something always seems to pop up right when things are   |
| looking good, there is a small element of luck, hope it's on your side...  |
|                                                                            |

Well no matter whether you faced Omega or not (if you did the rest is a 
pushover) it's time to face the boss of the game.  Head to the top of the 
tower and it's just a linear path from there to the very end...

| Ultimecia               | Level: 16        | Hit Points: 13,600/13,600     |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......N/A     | A sorceress trying to change  |
| Intelligence..Very High | Thunder..N/A     | the world by compressing time |
| Dexterity.....High      | Water....N/A     | and taking power from all     |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....N/A     | sorceresses,                  |
| Spirit........High      | Poison...Weak    |                               |
| Evasion.......Very Low  | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Immune  |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Ultimecia starts the first battle by randomly choosing between your six    |
| party members who to face.  Each time one of them is killed they are       |
| "Absorbed into time" and another person replaces them meaning that if      |
| you have a main party you wish to use, simply let her kill off those       |
| background characters and eventually your main party will come into play   |
| though it does give you a chance to take part in the battle with all       |
| six of your party members, take advantage of that.  Ultimecia attacks with |
| nothing but maguc spells, being a Sorceress after all, but this does give  |
| you one advantage.  Spells like Thundaga, Tornado, Holy, Quake and all     |
| that, that deal elemental damage.  You can jusction magic to your Elem-    |
| Def so you are not only immune to them but perhaps healed by them.  If you |
| happen to have 100 Ultimas in your inventory, try junctioning them to      |
| your Elem-Def to boost yourimmunity to 100% for all elements and making at |
| least one character virtually invincible for this battle.  For damage      |
| must use whatever offensive means have worked thus far, personally I like  |
| Aura magic and limit breaks but if you want to blast her with Eden, go     |
| ahead.  Doomtrain will exploit her weakness but stay away from Alexander.  |
|                                                                            |

| Griever                 | Level: 25        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......Moderate  | Ice......N/A     | In Squall's ming, the         |
| Intelligence..Moderate  | Thunder..N/A     | strongest GF.  Through        |
| Dexterity.....High      | Water....N/A     | Ultimecia's mind, continues   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Weak    | fighting without vanishing.   |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....Weak    |                               |
|                         | Holy.....Weak    |                               |
|                                                                            |
| Griever is the Guardian Force in Squall's mind that has now taken form.    |
| This boss has some nasty attacks like Doom which will put a death timer    |
| on your party's head.  Other than that actually his attacks are almost     |
| impossible tp predict for one reason, he uses yours!  Griever has the      |
| ability to draw-cast on your own team members meaning that he will pretty  |
| much randomly use magic from your inventory, so obviously if you keep      |
| a lot of crappy magic lying around in your stock this battle will probably |
| be a lot easier.  You need to take down Griever before he can take you     |
| down with your own magic.  The boss' last attack is a nameless ability     |
| targets a party member and pretty much destorys every single stock of a    |
| random spell in their inventory which really sucks if it happens to be     |
| junctioned to an important stat.  The most magic you have on your Elem-    |
| Def the better since his magic is virtually random, but his HP total isn't |
| to high so use your most powerful phsyicals to bring him down.  After      |
| taking enough damage Griever will show his true power, the Shockwave       |
| Pulsar attack.  I'm not even sure what this attack did to be honest, I     |
| couldn't see any damage dealt, it was like an instant kill.  It wiped out  |
| my entire party (although the person with the most HP only had 3000.)      |
| Thanks to Phoenix's Rebirth Flame I was able to continue the fight but     |
| would definitely recommend being at maximum health before going on to try  |
| striking the final blow.  After Shockwave Pulsar (which is Quistis'        |
| last limit spell by the way) the battle isn't over, Griever is still going |
| strong and has two new attacks, a weak physical hit and a recover spell    |
| that heals more than 6000.  Keep hacking away to take him down for real.   |
|                                                                            |

| Ultimecia               | Level: 25        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......N/A     | Ultimecia junctioned to       |
| Intelligence..Very High | Thunder..N/A     | Griever.  A powerful monster  |
| Dexterity.....High      | Water....N/A     | that combines Ultimecia and   |
| Defense.......Moderate  | Earth....Immune  | Griever's forces.             |
| Spirit........Low       | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Low       | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
| Helix                   | Level: 26        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....Very High | Fire.....N/A     |                               |
| Strength......High      | Ice......N/A     | Ultimecia's magic power       |
| Intelligence..Very High | Thunder..N/A     | amplifier.  By combining the  |
| Dexterity.....Very High | Water....N/A     | 2 amplifiers, her power       |
| Defense.......High      | Earth....Immune  | can be amplified greatly.     |
| Spirit........Very High | Poison...N/A     |                               |
| Evasion.......Very High | Wind.....N/A     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....N/A     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| The bosses just keep coming and coming don't they, this one combines the   |
| two bosses you just fought into one single boss.  This boss has Griever's  |
| ability to draw along with Ultimecia's powerful magic, basically it's a    |
| big monster you need to beat the living snot out of.  One particular       |
| new ability this boss has is to create little probes called Helixes.       |
| These things as the description says, will greatly increase Ultimecia's    |
| power if two of them appear.  To keep this from happening use your most    |
| powerful attacks and Guardian Forces to take her down.  If two of them     |
| do manage to appear then Ultimecia can use the Great Attractor spell which |
| quite literally sends planets out of their orbits and throws them at you,  |
| it's none too pleasant but shouldn't deal more than 1500 damage or so      |
| to each member of your party.  Have Squall use Aura as always to help      |
| clean this boss' clock, we can only hope it's the final boss...            |
|                                                                            |

| Ultimecia               | Level: ??        | Hit Points: ?????/?????       |
| Hit Points....???       | Fire.....???     |                               |
| Strength......???       | Ice......???     | Ultimecia, the faceless boss  |
| Intelligence..???       | Thunder..???     | of the game who destroyed my  |
| Dexterity.....???       | Water....???     | damn Scan magic.  Perhaps her |
| Defense.......???       | Earth....???     | stats are best left a         |
| Spirit........???       | Poison...???     | mystery anyway...             |
| Evasion.......???       | Wind.....???     |                               |
|                         | Holy.....???     |                               |
|                                                                            |
| No such luck, get ready to face another battle, the fourth in a row as the |
| developers are fully aware everyone loves tons and tons off boss battles   |
| over and over again, especially against enemies with no face.  Fortuantely |
| this really is the final battle and the music is pretty badass, so it      |
| isn't so bad.  Ultimecia will usually start off the fight with the Hell's  |
| Judgement ability which damages all your party members enough to bring     |
| them down to a single hit point without actually killing them.  Don't      |
| pull any punches for this battle, empty your item inventory of things      |
| like Heroes, Holy Wars, Megalixirs and such, I mean you might as well,     |
| you sure as hell aren't going to need them after this.  Ultimecia will     |
| continue to break the spells in your inventory so time is a factor in      |
| this fight, assuming you like having a healthy supply of magic spells.     |
| It does seem like her array of different attacks is somewhat limited.      |
| What you need to watch out for is when you see something called Draw       |
| Apocalypse.  This means you need to heal your characters because on the    |
| next turn you're going to be hit with the Apocalypse attack which deals    |
| over 6000 damage to everyone in your party, it's extremely nasty.  There's |
| no real super-easy win here, as usual the best thing to do is just rely    |
| on the strongest attacks in the game, these are of course the Renzokuken   |
| limit break and a fully boosted Eden Guardian Force.  With these two       |
| you will easily be able to deal the damage needed to win this battle,      |
| the real issue is whether or not you can survive against the power-house   |
| attacks like Hell's Judgment and Apocalypse.  I'd say the one real         |
| important factor is having Leviathan's Recover ability on Squall,          |
| couple extra Heroes in your inventory for him and basically you're set.    |
|                                                                            |

You beat the game.  Good job!  

Now sit back and enjoy the ending.


|                                Version History                     (0000X) |

Version 0.00 - (May 20th, 2005) - Began the walkthrough
Version 1.00 - (June 5th, 2005) - Completed the walkthrough

|                                    Legal                           (0000Y) |

This guide is copyright (c) 2005 Alex Eagleson, the author.

This walkthrough was written solely to be hosted at www.gamefaqs.com.  It can 
also be found at www.ign.com, www.neoseeker.com and many other websites, all 
who sent an email asking permission to put them guide up on their site.

I do by the way, encourage people to send email, feedback is always 
appreciated in any form, it's always nice to know you've helped someone.

For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL:


|                                   Credits                          (0000Z) |

Thanks to Sailor Bacon as he recently reminded us how his hours of hard
work often go unnoticed in the credits of guides, regardless of the fact
that he won't actually be reviewing this ^_^

CjayC for keeping GameFAQS up and running

Sean, Mark and Jeremy back at University of Guelph

Everyone reading this guide

Hope you enjoyed it, now it's done
