- Gallery: Its start screen lets you choose which artwork you want to view. The numbers range 00 to 99. The gallery has many CG pictures, mostly of enemies and bosses.
- Gallery: The Gallery is hell to navigate through. There is no selection, no range of 00 through 99.. Which means you must start at 00. If you want to go to artwork number 75, you have to go through 01-74 before you can view it.
- Free Mode: This was taken out of the USA version. To get this option, you must beat the game on medium or hard, and get all 21 of the S. Bonuses. Once you complete this difficult task, go to the Configuration menu. Under the Difficulty option there is now a "Free" option. At 'game start' you have the option of selecting stages. You also have infinite continues.
- The angle/pitch of the screen right before the fifth level boss, seems to glitch. In the upper-left corner of the screen, a black square patch appears. It covers about three to five percent of the screen. It disappears after two or three seconds. However, this is fixed in the USA version, but the patch can still be seen.